Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Box A: Names and Descriptions of Variables Used in Final Model

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Variable name Variable description
OPID Operator ID number
SEGID Segment ID number
MACROSYS Segment length from contractor computations
SEGLEN Segment length reported by ferry operator
AVGTIME Average one-way travel time reported by operator
MONTHS Number of months ferry operates per year
PASSENGERS Number of passengers per year
CONF Operator requested passenger data be kept confidential
BOATS Total number of vessels operator runs (not per segment)
AVGCAP Average capacity of vessels
METRO At least one of the two segment terminals is in a core based statistical area (CBSA)
NPS At least one of the two segment terminals serves a national park
AUTO At least one of the two segment terminals has auto access
PARKING At least one of the two segment terminals has parking
TRANSIT At least one of the two segment terminals has access to public transit bus
INTERCITY At least one of the two segment terminals has access to intercity bus
LHRAIL At least one of the two segment terminals has access to light or heavy transit rail
AMTRAK At least one of the two segment terminals has access to Amtrak rail
NEWENGLAND One of the two segment terminals is in New England Census Division
MIDATLANTIC One of the two segment terminals is in Mid Atlantic Census Division
ENCENTRAL One of the two segment terminals is in East North Central Census Division
WNCENTRAL One of the two segment terminals is in West North Central Census Division
WSCENTRAL One of the two segment terminals is in West South Central Census Division
ESCENTRAL One of the two segment terminals is in East South Central Census Division
SATLANTIC One of the two segment terminals is in South Atlantic Census Division
MOUNTAIN One of the two segment terminals is in Mountain Census Division
PACIFIC One of the two segment terminals is in Pacific Census Division

SOURCE: Variables used in this model were selected from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Census of Ferry Operators, 2006, or else derived from variables in this file.