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Larsen meets with a team of students from Western Washington University who won an EPA award for their innovative natural gas vehicle, the Viking 32.

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Larsen Encourages Constituents to Report Flood Damage Now
(January 13, 2009) Congressman Rick Larsen encourages his constituents whose homes, farms or businesses have been damaged by recent flooding to file a damage report immediately. Flood … (more)
Larsen Statement on Boeing Cutbacks
(January 9, 2009) U.S. Representative Rick Larsen (WA-02) released the following statement on today’s news that the Boeing Company will be cutting thousands of jobs in the … (more)
Larsen Statement on Troubling Financial Rescue Report
(January 9, 2009) U.S. Representative Rick Larsen (WA-02) released the following statement on a report released Friday on the Treasury Department’s implementation of the financial rescue package: … (more)

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