NOAA 2004-R112
Contact: Teri Frady

NOAA News Releases 2004
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Federal fishery managers and researchers are sponsoring a public workshop in Gloucester, Mass., on reducing unwanted catch in the region’s commercial fisheries. Examples of unwanted catch include undersized fish, species with little or no market, marine mammals and sea birds.

The workshop, Bycatch in Northeast Fisheries: Moving Forward, is set for June 29 - July 1 at the Sheraton Colonial Conference Center in Wakefield, Mass. Organizers hope to attract a broad-based group of attendees interested in both research and public policy aspects of reducing bycatch and the resulting waste of marine life.

The workshop will be a forum and it will include invited speakers, panels, and poster session. Break-out sessions will be organized to discuss regional bycatch issues and develop recommendations for science/research, data/monitoring, management and gear engineering ideas that may lead to bycatch reduction.

The resulting information will be considered as federal managers work this year on an updated version of the Northeast Region Bycatch Implementation Plan.

Presentations for the poster session are currently being solicited. Posters must be related to bycatch issues in the Northeast region but may touch on a variety of aspects-- legal, scientific, management, data, enforcement and monitoring. The deadline for submission of poster abstracts is April 16. Abstracts must be sent to Marla Trollan, Northeast Regional Office (NERO) Outreach Coordinator: or telephone (978) 281-9388.

Bycatch in Northeast Fisheries: Moving Forward is sponsored by NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries), NERO and NOAA’s Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Sea Grant Programs. Other cooperators include NOAA Fisheries’ Northeast Fisheries Science Center, and the region’s three federal fishery management bodies: the New England Fishery Management Council, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.

NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) is dedicated to protecting and preserving our nation’s living marine resources and their habitat through scientific research, management and enforcement. NOAA Fisheries provides effective stewardship of these resources for the benefit of the nation, supporting coastal communities that depend upon them, and helping to provide safe and healthy seafood to consumers and recreational opportunities for the American public.

The Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is dedicated to enhancing economic security and national safety through the prediction and research of weather and climate-related events and providing environmental stewardship of our nation’s coastal and marine resources.

On the Web:


NOAA Fisheries:

For more information regarding the upcoming workshop, visit the NOAA Fisheries NERO Web site: