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The White House Special Files:  Staff Member and Office Files include the files of individual senior staff and offices as well as the President's Office Files and the President's Personal Files.

Staff Member & Office Files Finding Aid Index

The names below link to:

  • descriptive information about the individual collections
  • a scope and content note
  • a biographical or organizational note
  • folder title lists

Desmond J. Barker, Jr. 1971-73 (3 boxes)
Desmond Barker was a Special Assistant to the President who functioned as Charles Colson's deputy. His primary responsibility was the preparation of the White House News Planning Calendar. The files reflect the scheduling and planning of the Nixon administration's news activities.

John R. Brown III 1969-71 (3 boxes)
John Brown was a White House staff assistant on the staff of H.R. Haldeman. The documents in these files pertain to White House "action memos" or personnel staffing matters.

Patrick J. Buchanan 1969-72 (24 boxes)
Patrick Buchanan's files reflect his duties as a Special Assistant to the President. His responsibilities included the preparation of daily news summaries, background information gathered for Presidential press conferences, and political campaign data.

Stephen B. Bull 1969-73 (5 boxes)
Stephen Bull served as a Special Assistant to the President and as Appointments Secretary. His files reflect the scheduling and appointments procedures, public relations efforts, and off-year election campaign strategy of the Nixon White House during the 1969-73 period.

Alexander P. Butterfield 1969-73 (10 boxes)
During his years in the White House, Alexander Butterfield served on the staff of H.R. Haldeman and had the title of Deputy Assistant to the President. He was the chief administrative officer in the White House, and in this capacity he coordinated or supervised numerous White House operations. Although Butterfield had oversight responsibility for the installation and operation of the White House taping system, the files do not include information pertaining to it. The files do include references to his other administrative duties. (For additional materials see White House Central Files: Staff Member and Office Files: Butterfield)

J. Fred Buzhardt 1970-73 (5 boxes)
Fred Buzhardt replaced John W. Dean on May 10, 1973, as Counsel to the President. The files identified with Buzhardt's name are actually materials that were brought forward for his use. Many of the documents were created or received by John Dean and concerned the various activities of the Counsel to the President.

Dwight L. Chapin 1969-73 (40 boxes)
Dwight Chapin was the President's Appointments Secretary. In addition to scheduling, Chapin was responsible for supervising Presidential advance men and acting as liaison between the White House and media consultants. The Chapin files reflect all aspects of Chapin's job.

Charles W. Colson 1969-73 (136 boxes)
As Special Counsel to the President, Charles Colson was responsible for political liaison with organized groups whose objectives were compatible with those of the Nixon administration. His work also included lobbying efforts on behalf of the administration as well as political analysis. These materials document the various activities of his office.

John W. Dean III 1970-73 (112 boxes)
The files of John Dean, Counsel to the President, pertain to a wide variety of legal and political matters. The files include information on proposed legislation and treaties, Presidential commissions and appointments, pardons, conflict of interest laws, Lt. William Calley, anti-war protest demonstrations, Watergate, and many other topics.

Harry S. Dent 1969-72 (12 boxes)
The Harry Dent file group includes information pertaining to his tenure as Deputy Counsel and as Special Counsel to the President. Dent's responsibilities included liaison with the South and the many Federal agencies. Some topics in the Dent files are busing, the nomination of Clement Haynsworth to the Supreme Court, support of Congressional candidates, and the textile industry.

John D. Ehrlichman 1969-73 (68 boxes)
John Ehrlichman's files pertain to his many activities as Counsel to the President and as Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs. The files include a full set of Ehrlichman's handwritten notes of meetings with the President. Other materials of interest include records of the Domestic Council, as well as files pertaining to Supreme Court nominations, reorganization of the executive branch, welfare reform, drafts of Presidential speeches, Watergate, and other topics.

  • As of November 14, 2003, the Nixon Presidential Materials Staff released about 204 rolls of "Super 8" and one roll of color silent 16mm motion picture film. These films were found in Ehrlichman's office files after he resigned his post as "Counselor to the President" on April 30, 1973.  [See Also:  Super 8 Motion Picture Film Collection]

Michael J. Farrell 1969-74 (2 boxes)
Michael Farrell was responsible for arranging White House tours and other visitor-related special events. The files reflect these activities.

Peter M. Flanigan 1969-74 (14 boxes)
Peter Flanigan's responsibilities as Assistant to the President centered primarily on economic, commercial, and financial areas. He was also named the Executive Director of the Council on International Economic Policy. Flanigan also was involved in the selection process of individuals for non- career diplomatic posts. The Special Files include some documentation of each of Flanigan's responsibilities.

David R. Gergen 1969-72 (2 boxes)
David Gergen was a Staff Assistant to the President and reported directly to Ray Price, the Director of the Office of Research and Messages. The Gergen materials in the Special Files consist of Presidential action requests and memoranda to or from Arthur Burns, Counselor of the President.

Alexander M. Haig, Jr. 1969-74 (49 boxes)
Alexander Haig served as the Senior Military Assistant to the President, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and the White House Chief of Staff. The materials in the Special Files that pertain to his tenure before he became Chief of Staff consist of speech files only. The remainder of the materials relate to his duties as White House Chief of Staff. Topics include foreign policy issues, national defense, Watergate, and selection of White House staff.

H. R. Haldeman 1969-73 (358 boxes)
These files were created or maintained in H.R. Haldeman's office while he was President Nixon's Chief of Staff. His official title was Assistant to the President. The extensive files provide detailed information on planning the President's schedule, instructions to staff members from the President, advice from staff members to the President, and the numerous other areas in which Haldeman was involved.

Edwin L. Harper 1970-73 (1 box)
Dr. Edwin Harper served as a Special Assistant to the President and as Assistant Director of the Domestic Council. The Harper Special Files include information on revenue sharing and Presidential appearances. (For additional materials see White House Central Files: Staff Member and Office Files: Harper)

David C. Hoopes 1972-74 (31 boxes)
David Hoopes was a Special Assistant to the President with responsibilities for the preparation of briefings and follow-up materials for the President's meetings and special projects for the Staff Secretary. Many of the documents in the files are briefing papers.

W. Richard Howard 1970-74 (6 boxes)
Richard Howard was Staff Assistant to Charles W. Colson. He worked in public relations with a concentration on professional and trade organizations and the "New American Majority." The files reflect Howard's public relations efforts and public opinion polls.

Kenneth L. Khachigian 1970-73 (28 boxes)
Ken Khachigian worked for Herbert G. Klein and then Charles W. Colson. His responsibilities mainly concerned public relations and writing speeches or other documents. He spent much of his time working on the 1972 re-election campaign, and the files reflect this.

Herbert G. Klein 1969-73 (8 boxes)
Herb Klein was the Director of Communications for the Executive Branch. In this capacity he coordinated the public relations activities of the White House and the Federal agencies. The Special Files contain only a small segment of the overall Klein files in the custody of the Nixon Project. The Special Files segments of Klein materials consist primarily of memoranda to and from the President or H.R. Haldeman.

Thomas C. Korologos 1974 (2 boxes)
The Tom Korologos materials in the Special Files are only a small percentage of the files received or created by him when he was Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs. These files consist primarily of handwritten notes of contacts with members of Congress, vote tally sheets, and scheduling documents.

Egil ("Bud") Krogh, Jr. 1969-74 (79 boxes)
Egil Krogh was the Deputy Counsel to the President and, later, Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs. His responsibilities included drugs, crime, law enforcement, housing, government reorganization, and transportation. The files record each of these responsibilities.

Frederic V. Malek 1969-73 (4 boxes)
Frederick Malek served as Special Assistant for Personnel. In this capacity he recruited and evaluated candidates for Presidential and other high-level appointive positions. The Special Files group of Malek materials pertain primarily to personnel matters.

Peter E. Millspaugh 1969-72 (2 boxes)
As a Deputy Special Assistant to the President, Peter Millspaugh worked for Harry Dent and was responsible for coordination of Republican party activities and the White House. The files reflect such matters as assistance in Congressional elections, appointments, and personnel files.

Terrence O'Donnell 1973-74 (2 boxes)
Terrence O'Donnell worked as an advance man during the 1972 campaign and in the Advance Office after the re-election of President Nixon. He then served as Staff Assistant to H.R. Haldeman and Deputy Special Assistant to the President, Office of Presidential Appearances and Scheduling. The materials of Terrence O'Connell in the Special Files comprise a single series and date 1973-74. They pertain to the development of the President's daily and weekly schedule.

Peter G. Peterson 1969-74 (4 boxes)
Peter Peterson was Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs and Executive Director of the Council on International Economic Policy (CIEP). These Special Files primarily concern the Nixon administration's efforts to establish import quotas for Far Eastern textile products. Included in the files are materials pertaining to Ambassador-at-Large David M. Kennedy's trip to negotiate a formal textile quota pact with Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

President's Office Files 1969-74 (114 boxes)
The President's Office Files consist of materials that record the President's daily activities or that were seen or annotated by the President. The two series within this group that are most closely associated with the President are the Handwriting File and the Annotated News Summaries. The files also include memoranda prepared by White House staff members who attended certain meetings with the President.

President's Personal Files 1969-74 (193 boxes)
This file is so named because it was maintained by the President's personal secretary, Rose Mary Woods, and includes documents that the President personally considered. It includes: transcripts of memoranda dictated by the President, correspondence with long-time supporters of the President, speech files, and social files.

John A. Scali 1971-73 (8 boxes)
John Scali's responsibilities as Special Assistant to the President included advising on communications policy relating to foreign affairs. The files include documentation of campaigns, foreign policy, and defense advice.

Geoffrey C. Shepard 1969-73 (2 boxes)
Geoffrey Shepard was an Associate Director on the Domestic Council Staff. The files reflect his responsibilities in the areas of the problems of drug abuse and crime.

Hugh W. Sloan, Jr. 1969-70 (2 boxes)
Hugh Sloan served as a Staff Assistant to the President and was in charge of appointments and scheduling. He worked for Dwight Chapin. The files provide information on scheduling the President's participation in events.

Special Staff Files 1969-74 (6 boxes)
These files were collected from various staff members who do not have a larger file group in the Special Files. This file group consists of selected materials from 19 staff members and concerns diverse topics and includes 2 boxes of George Bush material relating to his appointment as ambassador to the United Nations.

Staff Secretary 1969-74 (209 boxes)
The Office of the Staff Secretary was the main point of contact and coordination for all communications to the President's Office. The files reflect all of the responsibilities of the staff which included ensuring a smooth flow of information to and from the President, communicating Presidential decisions and requests, and allocating funds and office space.

Gordon C. Strachan 1969-71 (16 boxes)
These files were created during Gordon Strachan's term as Staff Assistant to Herbert Klein and document activities such as his work with public information officers in the executive agencies, preparing "game plans" for certain events, and public relations.

Richard C. Tufaro 1972-73 (5 boxes)
As a Staff Assistant to the Domestic Council, Richard Tufaro had assignments with the Interagency Classification Review Committee, in which he was concerned with expediting the declassification of documents and the Cabinet Committee to Combat Terrorism. Both of these tasks are documented in the files.

Gerald L. Warren 1971-72 (2 boxes)
Gerald Warren was the Deputy Press Secretary to the President. Much of the material in this file group consists of communication with the Press Secretary, Ronald Ziegler.

J. Bruce Whelihan 1969-74 (12 boxes)
Bruce Whelihan was a Staff Assistant in the White House Press Office. The files consist primarily of news clippings and related materials pertaining to controversial issues monitored by the Press Office.

White House Special Files, Administrative Files 1972-74 (4 boxes)
These files were created by the White House unit responsible for maintaining the Special Files and pertain to: general office functions, finding aids and inventories, accesses and searches, and control of the White House taping system.

David G. Wilson 1971-73 (2 boxes)
David Wilson was on the staff of the Office of the Counsel to the President. The files consist of memoranda from John Dean or Wilson concerning various legal issues regarding the administration.

David R. Young 1970-73 (28 boxes)
David Young was Special Assistant to the National Security Council and later was detailed to the Domestic Council to work for Egil Krogh. In the latter position he was involved in domestic and external security matters including investigating leaks of information within the administration. He was a co-director of the White House Special Investigations Unit ("The Plumbers"). Because of the sensitivity of Young's responsibilities many of the NSC documents in his files have been withdrawn for national security reasons.

Ronald L. Ziegler 1969-74 (51 boxes)
This is a portion of the overall Press Office materials generated during the Nixon administration. It includes some of Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler's files but consists primarily of the records of the Correspondence Research Office and the Press Office. The files include briefing books, position papers, talking points memoranda, news summaries, and other background materials.



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