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Questions of the Week For State Officials How Electors Vote Teaching Resources
Inauguration Day is Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ask the Federal Register a Question

Do you have a question to ask? The answer may already be in this web site. To find out if the answer is on the web site....

Look through these questions first: Also check these sections:
  • 2008 Presidential Election  –  features new web site content, explains when and how the electors are selected, and provides links to pick the next President.

  • What is the Electoral College?  –  provides information about the electors, the roles and responsibilities of the States and electors and Congress, and more.

  • Historical Election Results  –  provides various information about the elections held 1789-2000, including distribution of electoral votes, and lists of States, electoral votes and electors.

  • Visit the For State Officials section if you are a State Official looking for your specific tasks.

Or try the U.S. Electoral College Search Engine:

Still have questions?