Last Acts: A Vision for Better Care at the End of Life

In 2005, Last Acts—a highly acclaimed Robert Wood Johnson Foundation national program—came to a close. The program's Web site,, ceased publication at the same time.

Some readers might have been redirected to this page after clicking on the Last Acts Web address. We apologize for any confusion this detour might have caused. Much of the content of the Last Acts Web site is archived here.

Last Acts created a wealth of useful Web content—for health care consumers, health-care practitioners, policy-makers and employers. In the pages that follow, we present a selection of Last Acts editorial content. The articles appear here much as they appeared on the Last Acts Web site, occasionally with some editing or abridgement to conform to Robert Wood Johnson Foundation editorial requirements.

The articles are presented primarily for their historical interest, to illustrate the depth of the Foundation's long commitment to quality end-of-life care. Many of the articles remain current, but readers are advised that some of the information could be dated.

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