United States Department of Veterans Affairs

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12/22/2008FY08 Annual Report ReleasedFY08 HSR&D annual report is now available for download.
8/13/2008Bulletin ReleasedThe HERC Bulletin (Vol 8, Iss 3) is now available for download.
4/7/2008Bulletin ReleasedThe HERC Bulletin (Vol 8, Iss 2) is now available for download. Includes announcement "Experts define state of the art in health cost costing".
2/14/2008Cyber Seminar at 2:30pm EST on Feb. 20, 2008Please note that Feb. 20 Cyber Seminar will be at 2:30pm EST!!
2/13/2008Technical Report #16 Update"Guidebook for the HERC Person Level Cost Data Sets FY1998 – FY2006" has been updated and is now available for download. FY1998 – FY2006"
2/12/2008Bulletin ReleasedThe HERC Bulletin (Vol 8, Iss 1) is now available for download.
2/12/2008New HERC cyber-courseHERC Econometrics with Observational Data Course starts March 12, 2008

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