United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
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Managing Pain

Tips for Working with Your Health Care Team

Be involved in your treatment.

Treating any kind of chronic pain requires active, daily involvement from you. Only you know how bad your pain is, and only you know what makes it feel better. Your involvement in your treatment will help your providers better understand your pain and be better able to help you manage it.

Remember to always keep your medical appointments.

Keeping regular appointments with all providers will be most helpful in treating your pain.

Understand the recommendations of your health care provider.

If you think you can't follow one or more of the recommendations, talk with your provider. There may be another way to do what is needed. Recommendations may include exercising, stretching, using a TENS unit, attending classes, having a mental health evaluation, taking medications, and using self-management strategies. Talk with your health care provider whenever you have a question or concern.