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Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care

Center for Palliative Care

Director: James Tulsky, MD

Welcome to the research site for the Center for Palliative Care. We are a clinical, educational and research organization jointly associated with Duke University and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina. Our research centers around patient-provider communication and issues involving care at the end of life. Below are links that tell you more about our organization as well as link you to additional information and resources on palliative care.

The research arm of the Center for Palliative Care was formed in 1998 and affiliated with the Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center, the Duke University Medical Center's Department of Medicine, and the Institute on Care at the End of Life at Duke University. Our work focuses on improving patient-provider communication and the quality of end-of-life care, including discussions of care planning, pain management in seriously ill patients, and addressing psychosocial and spiritual needs of dying patients. Our mission is to conduct research and provide educational tools that help to improve the understanding of communication in the medical setting and the quality of care at the end of life.

Our Goals are to:
  1. Conduct research on communication amongst healthcare providers, families, and patients, and on the quality of care for dying patients;
  2. Disseminate research findings to a wide community of healthcare professionals through professional publications and presentations;
  3. Provide training in the science and art of communication and palliative care for both physicians and physicians in training; and
  4. Create and maintain a working environment that nurtures the personal and professional development of program staff, both as a team and as individuals.

Contact Information:
James Tulsky, MD
Director- Center for Palliative Care
VAMC (152)
508 Fulton Street
Durham, NC 27705-3897
Telephone: 919-668-2362
Fax: 919-668-1300