NOAA Coastal Services Center

Digital Coast


GIS Tools for Strategic Conservation Planning

This four-day course, co-instructed by staff from the NOAA Coastal Services Center and The Conservation Fund, teaches students how to apply geographic information system (GIS) tools, methodologies, and analyses to strategic conservation planning using a "green infrastructure" approach. Students will use data sets from coastal areas to develop conservation priorities and strategies to address a realistic conservation scenario.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, participants will be able to

  • Describe primary concepts and benefits of a green infrastructure approach
  • Define the parameters of a green infrastructure network and identify appropriate core data elements needed
  • Choose and employ raster-based spatial analyses to design a coastal green infrastructure network using ArcGIS
  • Experience with or training in ArcView 9.x
  • Status as a coastal resource management professional from a Center partner agency (nonprofit, or local, state, or federal government)

This course uses the Spatial Analyst extension, and materials presented are both comprehensive and fast-pasted.  While not required, the following courses would also be helpful:

  • Coastal Applications of ArcGIS (offered by the Center) for establishing GIS skills
  • Strategic Conservation Planning Using a Green Infrastructure Approach (offered by The Conservation Fund) for foundations in green infrastructure 
Course Offerings

This course is available by request. Classes can be taught at the Center’s training facility or be brought to your organization.

Hosting Requirements

The cost is minimal for participants and host organizations. Please review our remote training requirements (PDF) for host responsibilities, costs, and site requirements.

Contact Information

For additional course, hosting, or registration information, e-mail Josh Murphy at or Will Allen at