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Special Diabetes Program For Indians

In response to the diabetes epidemic among American Indians and Alaska Natives, Congress established the Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) in 1997. The Special Diabetes Program for Indians is currently a $150 million per year grant program that provides funding for diabetes treatment and prevention services at 399 IHS, Tribal, and Urban Indian health programs in all 12 IHS Areas across the United States. Administered by the IHS Division of Diabetes (DDTP), and with guidance from the Tribal Leaders Diabetes Committee (TLDC), the Special Diabetes Program for Indians grant programs use proven, evidence-based, and community-driven diabetes treatment and prevention strategies that address each stage of the disease.

As directed by Congress, the Special Diabetes Program for Indians consists of three major components:

  1. Community-Directed Diabetes Programs:  Since 1998, the Special Diabetes Program for Indians provides funds to 333 IHS, Tribal, and Urban Indian health programs in 35 states to begin or enhance local diabetes treatment and prevention programs.
  2. Demonstration Projects:  In 2004, Congress increased Special Diabetes Program for Indians funding to develop and implement projects in two specific areas:
    • Diabetes prevention in high-risk individuals:  The Special Diabetes Program for Indians Diabetes Prevention Demonstration Project (36 grant programs) adapted and is currently implementing the curriculum Exit Disclaimer from the Diabetes Prevention Program. The Diabetes Prevention Program was a clinical trial Exit Disclaimer funded by the National Institutes of Health. This landmark study demonstrated that individuals with pre-diabetes could prevent the onset of diabetes through modest weight loss and lifestyle changes.
    • Cardiovascular disease prevention in people who already have diabetes:  The Special Diabetes Program for Indians Healthy Heart Demonstration Project (30 grant programs) is currently implementing an intensive clinical, team-based case management approach to treat risk factors for cardiovascular disease in American Indians and Alaska Natives who have diabetes. Cardiovascular disease is the most compelling complication of diabetes and the number one cause of death among American Indian and Alaska Native adults.
  3. Strengthening the Diabetes Data Infrastructure:  The IHS uses Special Diabetes Program for Indians funding to strengthen the diabetes data infrastructure of the Indian health system by improving diabetes surveillance and evaluation capabilities and supporting the development and implementation of the IHS Electronic Health Record.

Special Diabetes Program for Indians Resources

Important Announcements

Application for Community-Directed Diabetes Program Funding – Find application information, eligibility criteria, instructions, forms, grant policies, reporting requirements, and contact information.

Application for Demonstration Project Funding – Find eligibility criteria and application information, including instructions, forms, grant policies, reporting requirements, sample materials, and contact information.

Fact Sheets on the Special Diabetes Program for Indians – Learn more about the Special Diabetes Program for Indians, including its legislative history and clinical outcomes, and find fact sheets on diabetes treatment and prevention activities in specific states.

E-Update for the Special Diabetes Program for Indians – Read the latest issue of this electronic newsletter and view past issues.

Indian Health Diabetes Best Practices – View and download the 18 Best Practices (short or long versions), which were mandated by Congress in the Special Diabetes Program for Indians legislation.


SDPI brochure