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Balancing Your Food Choices: Nutrition and Diabetes

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Teaching Sessions

Session 1: Introduction to Food Labels

(PDF - 86 KB)
(PDF - 37 KB)
(PDF - 39 KB)

Session 2: Introduction to Carbohydrate Counting

(PDF - 97 KB)
(PDF - 24 KB)
(PDF - 203 KB)

Session 3: Introduction to Exchange Lists

(PDF - 83 KB)
(PDF - 26 KB)
(PDF - 1.5 MB)

Session 4: Introduction to Food Shopping

(PDF - 103 KB)
(PDF - 22 KB)
(PDF - 787 KB)

Session 5: Introduction to Healthy Cooking

(PDF - 97 KB)
(PDF - 23 KB)
(PDF - 145 KB)

Session 6: Guidelines for Eating Away From Home

(PDF - 103 KB)
(PDF - 24 KB)
(PDF - 923 KB)

Session 7: Guidelines for the Use of Alcohol

(PDF - 63 KB)
(PDF - 23 KB)
(PDF - 52 KB)

Session 8: Guidelines for Evaluating Diets

(PDF - 86 KB)
(PDF - 27 KB)
(PDF - 71 KB)


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