Louisiana Department of Education

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It starts with a simple belief ... all children can learn

Message from Superintendent Paul G. Pastorek

It starts with a very simple belief ... all children can learn.

I am honored to serve as Louisiana’s State Superintendent. As I tend to the complex issues related to public education, I am guided by one key focus -- the 650,000 children enrolled in our public schools and our responsibility to provide them with an educational experience that allows them to thrive throughout their lives.

For decades, like many other states, Louisiana has repeatedly applied failing solutions to improve the ability of public schools to adequately educate our young people, and that impasse still impedes our current effort. However, over the last decade, our state has made great strides in efforts to improve the academic success of students and to eliminate the achievement gap between races and socioeconomic classes. But the potential is even greater, and if we approach our challenges together -- with urgency, energy, determination and knowledge; I am certain we can transform education, our communities, our state and our children’s future.

As we push forward, we are fortunate to have the support of more than 100,000 district and school employees and 600 plus Department employees who contribute daily to the education of our children. I am humbled, inspired and extremely grateful to each of them, as well as the thousands of volunteers, community leaders and government officials who are inspiring greatness in our children through their advocacy and outreach. There is no limit to what we can achieve – even in times of adversity and controversy -- except for what we are unwilling to imagine, believe in or commit ourselves to. In the case of education, I am convinced the great people of Louisiana are committed wholeheartedly and will work tirelessly to cultivate the ideas, intelligence, dreams and promise of our children.

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