Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 3.6
Passengers on North American Cruises by Residency: 2000–2004


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Passenger Residency 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Percentage change, 2000-2004 Annual growth rate (percent) 2000-2004
United States 6,090,647 6,195,958 6,989,464 7,478,385 8,314,171 37 8.1
Puerto Rico 84,464 107,903 97,822 107,457 121,975 44 9.6
Canada 370,423 333,193 385,117 404,404 434,755 17 4.1
Foreign 668,553 862,371 1,175,827 1,536,714 1,589,936 138 24.2
Total, all origins 7,214,087 7,499,425 8,648,230 9,526,960 10,460,837 45 9.7

NOTES: All cruises marketed and sold in North America are considered by Cruise Lines International Association to be North American cruises, regardless of origin and destination. Data are from industry association surveys of member lines, comprising 95 percent of North American passenger cruise capacity. For purposes of this survey, North America only includes the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Mexico is included in the foreign category.

SOURCES: 2000— Cruise Lines International Association, The Overview Fall 2004, available online at http://www.cruising.org/Press/index.cfm as of October 2004. 2001-2005— Cruise Lines International Association, The Overview Spring 2005, available online at http://www.cruising.org/Press/index.cfm as of August 2005.