Table 1.4 ,,,,,,, Same-Day Travel Between the United States and Canada and the United States and Mexico: 2000–2004 ,,,,,,, (Thousands of visits) ,,,,,,, ,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,"Percent change, 2000–2004 ",Average annual growth rate (percent) 2000–2004 U.S. residents to Canada ,"28,805","27,301","24,710","21,277","19,539",–32.2 ,–9.2 U.S. residents to Mexico ,"81,565","77,103","75,350","68,690","72,139",–11.6 ,–3.0 Canadian residents to the United States ,"28,000","24,481","21,534","21,486","22,191",–20.7 ,–5.6 Mexican residents to the United States ,"116,189","111,662","112,685","111,970","116,409",0.2,0.0 Same-day ,"254,559","240,547","234,279","223,423","230,278",–9.5 ,–2.5 Same-day and overnight total1,"314,294","299,834","293,413","278,413","290,459",–7.6 ,–2.0 Same-day as a share of total (percent) ,81.0,80.2,79.8,80.2,79.3,, 1 This table includes overnight and same-day totals. These totals are different from and should not be compared with the border-crossing data in section 3. ,,,,,,, "SOURCES: Statistics Canada, International Travel: Travel Between Canada and Other Countries (Touriscope), Catalogue No. 66201 -XIE (Ottawa, Ontario: various years). Statistics Canada. Culture, Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics Division, special tabulations (Ottawa, Ontario: various years). Banco de México. Dirección General de Investigación Económica. Dirección de Medición Económica, special tabulations (Mexico City, D.F.: various years). ",,,,,,,