United States Department of Veterans Affairs


Consulting Service

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Read the answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
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Search a database of health economics researchers by name, contact information, brief profile, or by research interest keywords.
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Review acronyms, definitions, and details for VA and/or health economics terms.
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Browse through a collection of links covering such topics as economics, grants, health services, quality of life, substance abuse, VA ethics, and more.
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Register to Use Averge Cost Data

HERC has estimated an average cost for all inpatient and outpatient VA encounters since FY1998. The data are stored at the Austin Automation Center (AAC). Researchers with AAC accounts may request access to the HERC average cost data.
[View register to use Average Cost Data]

Research Guidelines

Learn more about how to conduct health economics research within the VA.
[View research guidelines]

Site Map

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HERC offers two opportunities to learn about cost data and economic research. We offer an introductory course in health economics methods with special emphasis on VA data sources. Sessions take place through conference calls with interactive, web-based slide presentations. A monthly seminar series features presentations on a variety of health economics and health services topics. Participants may attend any or all sessions. Registration is free.
[View training]