USDA Forest Service
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  Northern Region
  Federal Building
  200 E. Broadway
  P.O. Box 7669
  Missoula, MT

  (406) 329-3511
  (406) 329-3347
  (406) 329-3510 is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state and local government web resources and services.

EGov graphic logo and link. logo and link.

Graphic and link to the Forest Service's  Climate change Resource Center web site. graphic logo and link.

Treesearch graphic logo and link.

Smokey Bear graphic and link to his website.

Visit Smokey Bear's own web site! It includes games, fire prevention information and archives. More information on Smokey Bear.


Regional Programs - Geology and Minerals Training Office


Mission Statement

"The Geology and Minerals Training Office shall help develop an effective professional, technical, & managerial workforce in Minerals and Geology Management by providing EXCELLENCE IN TRAINING."

The Geology and Minerals Training Office (GMTO) is the Forest Service's principal training facility for the design, development, and delivery of geology and minerals-related technical training and training materials.

Organization Chart 09/2008 Minerals Program Policy
GMTO Accomplishments: 
| FY 2004 | FY 2005 | FY 2007 |

Geology Program Policy



FY 2009 National Minerals and Geology Training (detailed list)

Upcoming Training:

- Minerals Administration I - October 19-24, 2008 - Mesa, Arizona

- Minerals Decision Making - March 3-5, 2009 - San Antonio, Texas

- Oil and Gas Administration - May 3-8, 2009 - Arkansas

- Geology and Ecosystems - June 22-26, 2009 - Whitehall, Montana


Currently located in Missoula, Montana, GMTO provides training at various locations nationwide with the majority of the courses involving fieldwork. Our current yearly schedule is for eight different courses.


Montana map


Send an e-mail to or call (406) 329-3574.  



USDA Forest Service - Northern Region
Last Modified: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 at 14:06:06 EDT

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.