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Contact Information

Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service
Classification Web

For the latest Classification Web product information:
Check the Class Web product site on the CDS World Wide Web catalog.

To receive updates about Classification Web:
Join the Classification Web listserv to receive the latest information on Class Web.

Product support:
For questions about how to use Classification Web or if you are having technical problems:

  • For detailed information on how to use Class Web check the Classification Web Help .

  • For technical questions, first check the Class Web Tech FAQS.

  • If the information provided in either of these sources is insufficient to resolve your problem send an
    email to and a member of the technical support staff will contact you as soon as possible.

For the latest information on all CDS products:
Check the CDS Web site at:

To offer comments and suggestions about the Classification Web product contact:

Library of Congress
Cataloging Policy and Support Office
Washington, DC 20540-4305
FAX: (202) 707-6629

For product orders and all other correspondence, contact CDS at:

Library of Congress
Cataloging Distribution Service
Customer Services Section
Washington, DC 20541-4912
                   Phone: (800) 255-3666 (US)
or (202) 707-6100
FAX: (202) 707-1334
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Available from the Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress