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subpart 246.6--material inspection and receiving reports



246.670 General.
246.671 Procedures

246.670  General.


      (a)  Material Inspection and Receiving Reports (MIRRs) are used to document—


              (1)  Contract quality assurance;


              (2)  Acceptance of supplies and services; and


              (3)  Shipments.


      (b)  MIRRs are used by activities responsible for—


              (1)  Receiving;


              (2)  Status control;


              (3)  Technical requirements;


              (4)  Contracting;


              (5)  Inventory control;


              (6)  Requisitioning; and


              (7)  Payment.


246.671  Procedures.

See Appendix F, Material Inspection and Receiving Report, for procedures and instructions for the use, preparation, and distribution of—


      (a)  The Material Inspection and Receiving Report (DD Form 250 series) and;


      (b)  Supplier's commercial shipping/packing lists used to evidence Government contract quality assurance.




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