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Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care

Data Analysis

The HSR&D Biostatistics Group supports researchers with standard techniques for statistical analysis. Our experienced staff also has experience the following, more specialized, areas:

Categorical data
  • Outcomes that are not continuous and violate normality assumptions often require complicated analyses, and many of the recent advances in statistical methodologies have been for the analysis of non-normal data.
  • Our staff has experience and expertise in many of the methods used for analyzing categorical data (i.e. logistic regression, negative binomial regression, random effect models with binary data)
  • Longitudinal data is characterized by repeated observations over time on the same set of individuals.
  • Our staff has experience and expertise in longitudinal data models to help researchers meet study objectives and characterize the process of change.
Survival analysis
  • Survival analysis methods are designed for longitudinal data on the occurrence of events, and statistical methods for analyzing survival data are explicitly designed to incorporate censoring and time-dependent covariates.
  • Our staff has experience in many of the methods used for analyzing survival data (i.e. Cox regression, Kaplan-Meier).
Principled methods for missing data
  • In biomedical research studies, datasets where missing data occur in some or all variables are common.
  • Multiple imputation is a principled statistical method for analyzing datasets with missing data that accounts for the missing values and the uncertainty they introduce in an analysis.
  • Our staff has expertise in the analysis of missing data using MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo) multiple imputation methods.