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Women in Astronomy: A Comprehensive Bibliography

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Alic, Margaret. The women astronomers. In her Hypatia's heritage; a history of women in science from antiquity to the late nineteenth century. London, Women's Press, 1986. p. 119-134. illus. References (13): p. 203-204.
   Q130.A48 1986

Alvarez del Castillo, Elizabeth M. Forming a local women-in-astronomy group. Mercury, v. 21, Jan./Feb. 1992: 35-36. group port.
   QB1.M43, v. 21

American Astronomical Society. Committee on the Status of Women. Report. In American Astronomical Society. Bulletin, v. 12, no. 2, 1980: 624-635. illus.
   QB1.A255, v. 12

American Astronomical Society. Working Group on the Status of Women in Astronomy. Report to the Council of the AAS from the Working Group on the Status of Women in Astronomy–1973. In American Astronomical Society. Bulletin, v. 6, no. 3, pt. 2, 1974: 412-423. illus.
   QB1.A255, v. 6
   "This report was received by the Council at the 142nd Meeting of the AAS and the recommendations contained therein are under consideration."
   Briefly reported as "Women Astronomers Face Obstacles in Profession" in Physics Today, v. 28, Jan. 1975, p. 119 (QC1.P658, v. 28).

Astronomers. In Women's Firsts. Caroline Zilboorg, editor; Susan B. Gall, managing editor. Foreword by Christine Todd Whitman. Detroit, Gale [1997] p. 380-383. port.
   CT3203.W66 1996
   Chronologically arranged paragraphs provide brief accounts, with sources indicated, of the achievements of 13 women–Aglaonike, Maria Cunitz, Jeanne Dumée, Caroline Herschel, Mary Somerville, Maria Mitchell, Dorothy Klumpke, Antonia Maury, Henrietta Leavitt, Williamina Fleming, Annie J. Cannon, Alla Masevich, and Margaret Burbidge.

Astronomers explore equal rights universe. Science, v. 258, Oct. 2, 1992: 19.
   Q1.S35, v. 258
   Brief report on an international conference held at the Space Telescope Science Institute.

The Baltimore Charter for Women in Astronomy. In American Astronomical Society. AAS Newsletter, 67, Oct. 1993: 9, 12.

Bartusiak, Marcia. Through the media, darkly. Sky & telescope, v. 87, May 1994: 6-7. col. illus.
   QB1.S536, v. 87

Beatty, J. Kelly. They touch the future. Parade, the Sunday newspaper magazine, July 16, 1995: 4-5. col. ports.
   "When Comet Shoemaker-Levy collided with Jupiter one year ago, it brought to public attention some of the nation's most distinguished astronomers. Many were women–and they are inspiring others."
   Discusses the careers of Reta Beebe, Imke de Pater, Heidi Hammel, Lucy McFadden, Melissa McGrath, and Carolyn Shoemaker. Additional portraits appear on the outside front cover of the issue.

Beebe, Dewey S. Women and astronomy. Technical world magazine, v. 6, Oct. 1906: 183-193. illus., ports.
   T1.T2, v. 6
   A summary appears under the title "Women Astronomers" in the Scientific American Supplement, v. 62, Dec. 1, 1906, p. 25851 (T1.S52, v. 62).

Boyce, Peter B., and Pamela H. Blondin. AAS membership survey: status of women in astronomy. In American Astronomical Society. Bulletin, v. 22, no. 4, 1990: 1236.
   QB1.A255, v. 22
   Abstract of a poster paper displayed at the Society's 177th meeting, Jan. 13-17, 1991, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Boyce, Peter B. Astronomical jobs: how do women fare? In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 63, Dec. 1992: 1, 10. illus.

Boyce, Peter B. Discrimination against women in astronomy: a further analysis of the AAS member survey. In American Astronomical Society. Bulletin, v. 23, no. 4, 1991: 1438.
   QB1.A255, v. 23
   Abstract of a paper presented at the Society's 179th meeting, Jan. 12-16, 1992, in Atlanta, Georgia.

Bright years for women astronomers. In The Women's book of world records and achievements. Edited by Lois Decker O'Neill. Garden City, N.Y., Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1979. p. 150.
   Discusses the work of Williamina Paton Fleming, Antonia Maury, Henrietta Leavitt, and Margaret Harwood.

Broughton, R. Peter. Women. In his Looking up: a history of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Toronto, Dundurn Press, 1994. p. 44-50. ports.

Brück, Mary T. Alice Everett and Annie Russell Maunder torch bearing women astronomers. Irish astronomical journal, v. 21, Mar./Sept. 1994: 280-291. illus., group ports.
   QB1.I753, v. 21
   References (63): p. 289-290.

Brück, Mary T. Companions in astronomy: Margaret Lindsay Huggins and Agnes Mary Clerke. Irish astronomical journal, v. 20, Sept. 1991: 70-77. ports.
   QB1.I753, v. 20
   References (28): p. 77.

Brück, Mary T. Lady computers. Astronomy now, v. 12, Jan. 1998: 48-51. illus. (part col.), group port.
   Chiefly about the women employed at the royal observatories in Greenwich and Edinburgh. The group portrait is of the women at the Harvard College Observatory.

Brück, Mary T. Lady computers at Greenwich in the early 1890s. In Royal Astronomical Society. Quarterly journal, v. 36, June 1995: 83-95. illus., group port.
   QB1.R732, v. 36
   Chiefly about Alice Everett and Annie Russell.

Brück, Mary T. Women in astronomy. Astronomy & geophysics, v. 38, Dec. 1997: 4. col. illus.
   QB1.A836, v. 38
   Notes that 1998 will mark the 150th anniversary of the death of Caroline Herschel and the birth of Lady Huggins.

Bryce, Myfanwy. A woman's place. Astronomy & geophysics, v. 41, Dec. 2000: 26.
   QB1.A836, v. 41
   "... reports on the women's lunch at the IAU in Manchester."

Camp, Carole Ann. American astronomers: searchers and wonderers. Springfield, N.J., Enslow Publishers [1996] 104 p. ports. (Collective biographies)
   QB35.C36 1996
   Bibliographic references included in "Notes" (p. 93-99).
   Among the 10 astronomers treated are Maria Mitchell (p. [12]-19), Williamina Fleming (p. [28]-35), Annie Jump Cannon (p. [36]-43), Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin (p. [68]-75), and Vera Rubin (p. [76]-83).


Carter, Merri Sue, Phyllis Cook, and Brian J. Luzum. The contributions of women to the Nautical Almanac Office, the first 150 years. In Nautical Almanac Office Sesquicentennial Symposium, Washington, D.C., 1999. Proceedings, Nautical Almanac Office Sesquicentennial Symposium, U.S. Naval Observatory, March 3-4, 1999. Edited by Alan D. Fiala and Steven J. Dick. Washington, D.C., U.S. Naval Observatory, 1999. p. 164-177. illus., ports.
   QB8.N25 1999
   References (27): p. 176-177.
   Includes a list of 103 women known "to have contributed to the publications of the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, or one or more of the publications of the Nautical Almanac since its inception in 1849."

Chapman, Allan. The female touch. Astronomy now, v. 12, Jan. 1998: 43-47. ports.
   Includes discussion of the contributions to, or interest in, astronomy of Elisabetha Hevelius, Margaret Flamsteed, Caroline Herschel, Mary Somerville, Margaret Herschel and Richarda Airy, Jane and Caroline Lassell, Margaret Huggins, Dorothea Klumpke, Elizabeth Brown, Mary Proctor, Gertrude Bacon, and C. A. Barbour.

Chapman, Allan. Women in astronomy: an historical perspective, 1780-1940. Observatory, v. 118, Oct. 1998: 270-273.
   QB1.O2, v. 118
   Summarizes papers presented at a discussion meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society held Mar. 13, 1998.

Chasan, Daniel J. Young astronomers, in search of an observatory, start their own. Photos. by Liane Enkelis. Smithsonian, v. 12, July 1981: 58-65. col. illus., col. ports.
   AS30.S6, v. 12
   Bibliography: p. 138.
   Cynthia E. Irvine and Hazel E. Ross were among the founders of the Monterey Institute for Research in Astronomy.

Clayton, Geoffrey C. A male perspective: not equal, not yet. Mercury, v. 21, Jan./Feb. 1992: 31-32. ports.
   QB1.M43, v. 21

Corliss, Julie. "Space for Women Day" at the Center for Astrophysics. Status, Jan. 1996: 4-5.
   "Nearly 40 young women, teachers, and parents attended the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics' fourth ‘Space for Women' day on Saturday, October 14th, 1995. Designed to encourage high-school-age women to pursue careers in the physical sciences and related fields, the day-long symposium was held on the 20th anniversary of the original conference, entitled ‘Earth in the Cosmos: Space for Women.' Similar conferences were held in 1992 and 1993."

Corliss, Julie. Space for women: perspectives on careers in science. [Cambridge, Mass.] Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics [1995?] 16 p. illus., ports.
   Includes sketches and portraits of Andrea Dupree, Barbara Welther, Kathryn Flanagan, Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, Kimberly Dow, Alyssa Goodman, Kate Kirby, Tania Ruiz, and Ursula Marvin.

Couper, Heather. Where are all the women amateur astronomers? Sky & telescope, v. 75, Jan. 1988: 4. illus.
   QB1.S536, v. 75
   Five letters from readers commenting on this article appear in the June 1988 issue, p. 573-574.

Courtin, Régis. Tribune d'opinion: la place des femmes dans l'astronomie française. Journal des astronomes français, no 51, juin 1996: 33-36. illus.
   References (8): p. 36.

Creese, Mary R. S. Chapter 10. Observers, "computers," interpreters, and popularizers: women in astronomy. In her Ladies in the laboratory? American and British women in science, 1800-1900; a survey of their contributions to research. Lanham, Md., Scarecrow Press, 1998. p. [225]-249.
   Q141.C69 1998
   References (81): p. 245-249.
   "Bibliography of Papers by American and British Women in Scientific Periodicals, 1800-1900. Part 2. Mathematical, Physical, and Earth Sciences. Astronomy": p. 407-412. Some of the women whose writings are included in this section of the bibliography are discussed in chapter 8, "Mathematicians and Statisticians, Mainly of the 1890s, but Remembering Mary Somerville."

Culotta, Elizabeth. Dual-career scientist couples search for his-and-hers hires. Scientist, v. 6, Sept. 30, 1991: 19, 21. ports.
   MicRR 89/4537
   Included are Dan Lester and Harriet Dinerstein, and Bruce and Debra Elmegreen.

Davis, Herman S. Women astronomers. Popular astronomy, v. 6, May-June 1898: 129-138, 211-228.
   QB1.P8, v. 6
   In three parts, covering A.D. 400-1750, 1750-1890, and contemporary.

Dobson, Andrea K., and Katherine Bracher. A historical introduction to women in astronomy. Mercury, v. 21, Jan./Feb. 1992: 4-15. illus., ports.
   QB1.M43, v. 21

Eells, Walter C. American doctoral dissertations on mathematics and astronomy written by women in the nineteenth century. Mathematics teacher, v. 50, May 1957: 374-376.
   QA1.N28, v. 50
   Of the 11 dissertations listed, three are in astronomy, by Caroline Ellen Furness, Anna Delia Lewis, and Margaretta Palmer.

Elsworth, Yvonne. A survey of women in astronomy and geophysics. In Royal Astronomical Society. Quarterly journal, v. 36, Mar. 1995: 1-10.
   QB1.R732, v. 36
   Reference (1); p. 4.
   Includes text of questionnaire.

Elsworth, Yvonne. Women in astronomy and geophysics. Observatory, v. 114, Aug. 1994: 137-139.
   QB1.O2, v. 114
   Reports on a survey carried out by the Royal Astronomical Society.

Evershed, Mary A. O. Women astronomers. In British Astronomical Society, London. Journal, v. 42, Nov. 1931: 48-49.
   QB1.B75, v. 42
   Refers to the inclusion of a few astronomers in Edgar C. Smith's article, "Some Notable Women of Science," published in Nature, v. 127, June 27, 1931, and discusses a number of others.

Ferry, Georgina. Families hold back women astronomers. New scientist, v. 94, May 6, 1982: 340.
   Q1.N52, v. 94


Ficksman, Judith. For the love of astronomy. Star date, v. 23, May/June 1995: 16-19; July/Aug.: 16-19. illus. (part col.), ports. (part col.)
   WMLC 93/4793
   "Although long dominated by men, the history of astronomy records many contributions by women. Today, an increasing number of women are finding not only fulfilling and rewarding careers in astronomy, but answers to some of the more profound questions facing all astronomers as they explore the universe."
   Presents, in the first part, interviews with Vera Rubin, Sidney Wolff, and Lee Ann Wilson, and, in the second, with Catherine Pilachowski, Tatiana V. Shabanova, and Kim Venn.

Fienberg, Richard T. A woman's place is in the dome. IAU today, no. 9, Aug. 10, 1988: 1. group port.
   Reports on the special session on women in astronomy held Aug. 8.

Finkbeiner, Ann. Good morning, gentlemen and Meg. Astronomy, v. 28, Nov. 2000: 56-61. col. illus., col. ports.
   QB1.A7998, v. 28
   "Women fight to get a fair shake in astronomy."
   Provides comments from interviews with 15 women astronomers: Stefanie Baum, Rebecca Bernstein, Daniela Calzetti, Sandra Faber, Wendy Freedman, Anne Kinney, Gillian Knapp, Lori Lubin, Crystal Martin, Sally Oey, Vera Rubin, Anneila Sargent, Lisa Storrie-Lombardi, Meg Urry, and Rosemary Wyse.
   Includes a box, "The One Large Imbalance" (p. 60), concerning "the broad and nebulous area of sex, marriage, and children."

Flam, Faye. Still a "chilly climate" for women? Science, v. 252, June 21, 1991: 1604-1606. illus., ports.
   Q1.S35, v. 252
   "Women in astronomy and physics say they face not so much overt discrimination as a pattern of ‘micro-inequalities.' The remedy: more women."

Fleming, Williamina P. S. A field for woman's work in astronomy. Astronomy and astro-physics, v. 12, Oct. 1893: 683-689.
   QB1.A8, v. 12
   Text of an address presented at the Congress of Astronomy and Astro-Physics, Aug. 18, 1893, in Chicago.

Frattare, Lisa M., and Priscilla J. Benson. Women in Astronomy Database and CSWA web site. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 87, Oct. 1997: 3.

Gender discrimination: a closer look at the membership survey results. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 55, June 1991: 4. illus.

Gore, John Ellard. Women astronomers. Humanitarian, v. 17, Nov. 1900: 357-360.
   HN381.H9, v. 17
   Reprinted in Scientific American Supplement, v. 51, Mar. 16, 1901, p. 21076-21077 (T1.S52, v. 51).

Greenstein, George. Portraits of discovery: profiles in scientific genius. New York, J. Wiley [1998] 232 p. illus., ports.
   Q141.G775 1998
   "Sources": p. 219-221.
   Partial contents: 1. The ladies of Observatory Hill: Annie Jump Cannon and Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin–8. Our address in the universe: Margaret Geller and John Huchra.
   Essay no. 1 was published "in slightly different form" in the American Scholar, v. 62, summer 1993, p. 437-446 (AP2.A4572, v. 62), and no. 8, in the Harvard Magazine, Jan./Feb. 1994.

Grinstein, Louise S. Women in physics and astronomy, a selected bibliography. School science and mathematics, v. 80, May/June 1980: 384-398.
   Q1.S28, v. 80

Harrison, Shirley W. Women and the stars. Planetarian, v. 12, Dec. 1983: 4-6.
   QB1.P46, v. 12

Hassall, Barbara J. M. The status of women in UK astronomy and geophysics. Observatory, v. 114, Aug. 1994: 173-174.
   QB1.O2, v. 114
   Letter to the editor.

Hazen, Martha L. Anne S. Young and Alice H. Farnsworth: 58 years of astronomy at Mount Holyoke College. In American Association of Variable Star Observers. Journal, v. 14, no. 2, 1985: 49-51.
   QB835.A455, v. 12

Henbest, Nigel. A woman's place is in the dome. New scientist, v. 120, Oct. 8, 1988: 62. illus.
   Q1.N52, v. 120

Herzenberg, Caroline L. Women scientists from antiquity to the present; an index. West Cornwall, Conn., Locust Hill Press, 1986. xxxix, 200 p.
   Q141.H475 1986
   Bibliography: p. xxix-xxxvii.
   Includes 110 astronomers and 10 astrophysicists; six of the latter are also listed among the astronomers.

Hoffleit, Dorrit. Appendix H. Women astronomers at Yale through 1968. In her Astronomy at Yale, 1701-1968. New Haven, Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1992. (Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, New Haven. Memoirs, v. 23) p. 209-211.
   Q11.C85, v. 23
   References (14): p. 211.
   Among those discussed are Margaretta Palmer, J. S. Newton, Ida Barney, and Louise Jenkins. A portrait of Barney is reproduced on p. 128 of the book.

Hoffleit, Dorrit. The education of American women astronomers before 1960. Cambridge, Mass., American Association of Variable Star Observers [1994] 51 p. illus., ports.
   QB61.H55 1994
   References (109): p. 45-49.

Hoffleit, Dorrit. Four Helens. In American Association of Variable Star Observers. Journal, v. 10, no. 2, 1981: 103-104.
   QB835.A455, v. 10
   Provides information about four women who worked as assistants to Leon Campbell in his capacity as recorder of the AAVSO. These are Helen Popkavich, Helen Lewis Thomas, Helen Spence Federer, and Helen Stephansky. Helen Thomas did some variable star observing, assisted the Gaposchkins in estimating stellar magnitudes from Harvard plates, and wrote a history of early variable star observing as her thesis for the degree of Ph.D. in the history of science.

Hoffleit, Dorrit. Women in history of variable star research. In American Astronomical Society. Bulletin, v. 23, no. 4, 1991: 1354.
   QB1.A255, v. 23
   Abstract of a paper presented at the Society's 179th meeting, Jan. 12-16, 1992, in Atlanta, Georgia.

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