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Selected Dun & Bradstreet Publications in the Library of Congress

Exporters' Encyclopaedia

Exporters' encyclopaedia. -- New York, N.Y. : Dun and Bradstreet International, 77th ed. (1982) - present. -- Annual. Imprint varies.

Continues Exporters' Encyclopaedia. World Marketing Guide. Material is arranged geographically. For each country there is a country profile followed by marketing data; information on communications, transportation, business travel, key contacts; and a summary of trade regulations and documentation requirements. Each edition also includes brief sections on U.S. ports, U.S. foreign trade zones, World Trade Center Association members, U.S. government agencies providing assistance to exporters, foreign trade organizations, foreign communications, and on general export and shipping information and practice. Holdings begin with 1982 (77th ed.), and continue uninterrupted to the present. However, there is a change in the pattern of dates: that edition is followed by 1983/84, then by 1984/85 and so forth. Although the catalog record indicates this publication is kept up-to-date by supplementary updates in loose-leaf binders, the Library has no such holdings.

84-647135 r942

Exporters' encyclopaedia. World marketing guide. -- New York, N.Y. : Dun and Bradstreet International, 75th annual ed. (1980)-. -- (Ceased with 76th ed. (1981)). Annual.


Continues Dun & Bradstreet Exporters' Encyclopaedia, and is continued by Exporters' Encyclopaedia. Holdings include both the 75th (1980) and 76th (1981) editions. Kept up to date by supplementary bulletins issued twice monthly, which are not in the Library of Congress collections.

82-641772 r892

Dun & Bradstreet exporters' encyclopaedia. -- New York, Dun and Bradstreet International. 62d-74th ed.; 1967-79. -- Annual.


Continues Exporters' Encyclopaedia, and is continued by Exporters' Encyclopaedia. World Marketing Guide. Title on spine includes year, e.g., Dun & Bradstreet 1967 Exporters' Encyclopedia. Editions published between 1967 and 1971 show the subtitle, Complete Export Guide, while those published between 1972 and 1979 show the subtitle, World Marketing Guide. Holdings are complete. Kept up to date by supplementary bulletins issued twice monthly, which are not in the Library of Congress collections.

72-622175 r89

Exporters' encyclopaedia. -- New York, Exporters' Encyclopaedia Company, {1904-1966} -- {1st}-61st ed. Imprint varies.

HF3011 .E9

Continued by Dun & Bradstreet Exporters' Encyclopaedia. Second edition (1905-1906); third (1907); thereafter a single year per edition except for the 14th (1918-1919) and the 15th (1919-1920). The 34th (1939) edition appears missing from the collection; neither the 46th (1951) nor the 47th (1952) edition was received. Supplementary bulletins for 1925, and 1927 are shelved in envelopes adjacent to the appropriate annual editions, while those for 1934 are in a small bound volume.

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   June 20, 2005
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