United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

National Center for Ethics in Health Care

IntegratedEthics Initiative

IntegratedEthics is an innovative national education and organizational change initiative designed to transform traditional ethics committees into integrated programs that better meet the challenges of today's complex health care environment. The initiative offers a systematic, comprehensive approach and a wide variety of tools to improve ethics quality in health care.

National roll-out launched!

On May 21, 2007, the Ethics Center began rolling IntegratedEthics out to all 156 VA medical centers nationwide. A series of 1.5-day workshops will introduce the IntegratedEthics model and tools to designated IntegratedEthics program staff throughout the VA health care system.

For more information about IntegratedEthics, please see the IntegratedEthics monograph,

IntegratedEthics: Improving Ethics Quality in Health Care  [PDF]

or communication materials,

Improving Ethics Quality: Looking Beneath the Surface  [PDF]

IntegratedEthics: Closing the Ethics Quality Gap  [PDF]

A Business Case for Ethics  [PDF]

New IntegratedEthics program materials available:

Ethics Consultation: Responding to Ethics Questions in Health Care, a primer for ethics consultants featuring the CASES approach.

Preventive Ethics: Addressing Ethics Quality Gaps on a Systems Level, a primer on addressing ethics concerns proactively, featuring ISSUES, a step-by-step approach to ethics quality improvement.

Ethical Leadership: Fostering an Ethical Environment and Culture, a primer for health care leaders featuring the Ethical Leadership Compass, specific behaviors leaders should use to foster an ethical environment and culture.

Companion tools to support ethics consultation, preventive ethics, and ethical leadership are also available.

Domains of Ethics in Health Care [PDF]


ECWeb: web-based ethics consultation management tool

ECWeb is a web-based tool that plays an important role in helping VHA achieve the goal of improving ethics quality within VA. The program was designed and developed as part of the IntegratedEthics initiative.

Learn about ECWeb and access the ECWeb online learning module


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