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You are here > Home > Health Administration Guides > Calendar of Health Observances & Professional Recognition Days, Weeks, & Months

Health Observances & Healthcare Recognition Dates

This is a calendar of all 12 months of health observation and recognition dates for the health, medical and hospital industry. Health observances are days, weeks, or months devoted to promoting particular health concerns. Recognition dates are those weeks or days set aside to honor specific healthcare professionals. This calendar will come in handy for community relations programs as well as employee appreciation events. Health professionals, teachers, and community groups can all use these special times to sponsor health promotion events, stimulate awareness of health risks, or focus on disease prevention. Materials are available from sponsoring organizations and range from a single flyer to packets of promotional materials. Many of these materials are available here on the internet. Before you visit the sites provided below, we suggest that you go ahead now and bookmark this page, so that you can easily find your way back here whenever you wish.   

If you are looking for particular items listed in a particular month, please click on the month that you are looking for in the index below. You may also wish to consult the Alphabetized List.

Calendars by Month

Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |

Dates alphabetized by Name:

| Alphabetized List