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Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care

National Registry of Veterans with ALS

A National VA Initiative
(DVA Cooperative Study #500A)

The National Registry of Veterans with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis stopped enrollment of new patients as of September 30, 2007. Thank you for your interest.


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) supports a nationwide registry of living veterans who have amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). This effort is directed by the Epidemiologic Research and Information Center (ERIC) at the VA Medical Center in Durham, NC with cooperation from the VA Medical Center in Lexington, KY.

Registry Objectives

  • To identify as completely as possible all living veterans with ALS, and to follow the health status of these veterans
  • To collect data, including DNA samples, which will be available for approved studies examining the causes of ALS
  • To provide a way for the VA to inform veterans with ALS about research studies for which they may be eligible

Data Collected

  • Comprehensive medical record review to confirm diagnosis
  • Dates of symptom onset and diagnosis
  • Site of symptom onset
  • Diagnostic tests and lab values
  • Trauma, surgery, and smoking history
  • Demographic information and military background
  • Biannual interviews from onset until death, including ALSFERS scores
  • DNA samples


  • 2050 Cumulative enrollment from 3/2000 thru 9/2007
  • 1150 DNA samples collected

Access to Registry Data

  • Clinical and genetic data from the National Registry of Veterans with ALS are available to VA and non-VA researchers.
  • Researchers interested in requesting access to data should contact:

Kelli D. Allen, PhD 919-286-0411 x 7090
Barbara Norman 919-286-6936 x 5231
Eugene Z. Oddone, MD, MPH 919-286-6936 x 6936

Or write to us at:
ALS Registry (152)
VA Medical Center
508 Fulton Street
Durham, NC 27705