United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Journal articles from HERC investigators

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Kimerling, R.; Gima, K.; Smith, M.W.; Street, A.; Frayne, S.The Veterans Health Administration and military sexual traumaAm J Public Health2008
Harris, JS; Sinnott, PL; Holland, JP; Ording, J; Turkelson, C; Weiss, M; Hegmann, KTMethodology to update the practice recommendations in the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine's Occupational Medicine Practice Guidelines, second editionJ Occup Environ Med2008
Bansback, N.; Sun, H.; Guh, D.P.; Li, X.; Nosyk, B.; Griffin, S.; Barnett, P.G.; Anis, A.H.; ON BEHALF OF THE OPTIMA TEAMImpact of the recall period on measuring health utilities for acute eventsHealth Econ2008
Montgomery, B.; Lavori, P.; Garzotto, M.; Lee, K.; Brophy, M.; Thaneemit-Chen, S.; Kelly, W.; Basler, J.; Ringer, R.; Yu, W.; Whittemore, A.; Lin, D.W.Veterans Affairs Cooperative Studies Program study 553: Chemotherapy after prostatectomy, a phase III randomized study of prostatectomy versus prostatectomy with adjuvant docetaxel for patients with high-risk, localized prostate cancerUrology2008
Smith, M.W.; Barnett, P.G.The role of economics in the QUERI program: QUERI SeriesImplement Sci.2008
Kimerling, R.; Alvarez, J.; Pavao, J.; Mack, K.P.; Smith, M.W.; Baumrind, N.Unemployment Among Women: Examining the Relationship of Physical and Psychological Intimate Partner Violence and Posttraumatic Stress DisorderJ Interpers Violence2008
VA/NIH Acute Renal Failure Trial Network; Palevsky, P.M.; Zhang, J.H.; O'Connor, T.Z.; Chertow, G.M.; Crowley, S.T.; Choudhury, D.; Finkel, K.; Kellum, J.A.; Paganini, E.; Schein, R.M.; Smith, M.W.; Swanson, K.M.; Thompson, B.T.; Vijayan, A.; Watnick, S.; Star, R.A.; Peduzzi, P.Intensity of renal support in critically ill patients with acute kidney injuryN Engl J Med2008
Kimerling, R.; Street, A.E.; Gima, K.; Smith, M.W.Evaluation of universal screening for military-related sexual traumaPsychiatr Serv.2008
Weintraub, W.S.; Spertus, J.A.; Kolm, P.; Maron, D.J.; Zhang, Z.; Jurkovitz, C.; Zhang, W.; Hartigan, P.M.; Lewis, C.; Veledar, E.; Bowen, J.; Dunbar, S.B.; Deaton, C.; Kaufman, S.; O'Rourke, R.A.; Goeree, R.; Barnett, P.G.; Teo, K.K.; Boden, W.E.; COURAGE Trial Research Group; Mancini, G.B.Effect of PCI on quality of life in patients with stable coronary diseaseN Engl J Med2008
Sorensen, J. L.; Haug, N. A.; Delucchi, K. L.; Gruber, V.; Kletter, E.; Batki, S. L.; Tulsky, J. P.; Barnett, P.; Hall, S.Voucher reinforcement improves medication adherence in HIV-positive methadone patients: a randomized trialDrug Alcohol Depend2007
Baker, L. C.; Afendulis, C. C.; Chandra, A.; McConville, S.; Phibbs, C. S.; Fuentes-Afflick, E.Differences in neonatal mortality among whites and Asian American subgroups: evidence from CaliforniaArch Pediatr Adolesc Med2007
Gould, M. K.; Ananth, L.; Barnett, P. G.A clinical model to estimate the pretest probability of lung cancer in patients with solitary pulmonary nodulesChest2007
Richardson, S. S.; Sullivan, G.; Hill, A.; Yu, W.Use of aggressive medical treatments near the end of life: differences between patients with and without dementiaHealth Serv Res2007
Wagner, T. H.; Engelstad, L. P.; McPhee, S. J.; Pasick, R. J.The costs of an outreach intervention for low-income women with abnormal Pap smearsPrev Chronic Dis2007
McFall, M.; Saxon, A. J.; Thaneemit, S.; Smith, M. W.; Joseph, A. M.; Carmody, T. P.; Beckham, J. C.; Malte, C. A.; Vertrees, J. E.; Boardman, K. D.; Lavori, P. W.Integrating smoking cessation into mental health care for post-traumatic stress disorderClin Trials2007
Phibbs, C. S.; Baker, L. C.; Caughey, A. B.; Danielsen, B.; Schmitt, S. K.; Phibbs, R. H.Level and volume of neonatal intensive care and mortality in very-low-birth-weight infantsN Engl J Med2007
Frayne, S. M.; Yu, W.; Yano, E. M.; Ananth, L.; Iqbal, S.; Thrailkill, A.; Phibbs, C. S.Gender and Use of Care: Planning for Tomorrow's Veterans Health AdministrationJ Womens Health (Larchmt)2007
Hoch, J. S.; Smith, M. W.A guide to economic evaluation: methods for cost-effectiveness analysis of person-level dataJ Trauma Stress2006
Wagner, T. H.; Richardson, S. S.; Vogel, B.; Wing, K.; Smith, M. W.Cost of inpatient rehabilitation care in the Department of Veterans AffairsJ Rehabil Res Dev2006
Haberland, C. A.; Phibbs, C. S.; Baker, L. C.Effect of opening midlevel neonatal intensive care units on the location of low birth weight births in CaliforniaPediatrics2006
Barnett, P. G.; Masson, C. L.; Sorensen, J. L.; Wong, W.; Hall, S.Linking opioid-dependent hospital patients to drug treatment: Health care use and costs 6 months after randomizationAddiction2006
Phibbs, C. S.; Holty, J. E.; Goldstein, M. K.; Garber, A. M.; Wang, Y.; Feussner, J. R.; Cohen, H. J.The effect of geriatrics evaluation and management on nursing home use and health care costs: results from a randomized trialMed Care2006
Schmitt, S. K.; Sneed, L.; Phibbs, C. S.Costs of newborn care in California: a population-based studyPediatrics2006
Phibbs, C. S.; Schmitt, S. K.Estimates of the cost and length of stay changes that can be attributed to one-week increases in gestational age for premature infantsEarly Hum Dev2006
Bhandari, A.; Wagner, T.Self-reported utilization of health care services: improving measurement and accuracyMed Care Res Rev2006
Bundorf, M. K.; Wagner, T. H.; Singer, S. J.; Baker, L. C.Who searches the internet for health information?Health Serv Res2006
Tiet, Q. Q.; Byrnes, H. F.; Barnett, P.; Finney, J. W.A practical system for monitoring the outcomes of substance use disorder patientsJ Subst Abuse Treat2006
Piette, J. D.; Heisler, M.; Wagner, T. H.Medication characteristics beyond cost alone influence decisions to underuse pharmacotherapy in response to financial pressuresJ Clin Epidemiol2006
Weintraub, W. S.; Barnett, P.; Chen, S.; Hartigan, P.; Casperson, P.; O'Rourke, R.; Boden, W. E.; Lewis, C.; Veledar, E.; Becker, E.; Culler, S.; Kolm, P.; Mahoney, E. M.; Dunbar, S. B.; Deaton, C.; O'Brien, B.; Goeree, R.; Blackhouse, G.; Nease, R.; Spertus, J.; Kaufman, S.; Teo, K.Economics methods in the Clinical Outcomes Utilizing percutaneous coronary Revascularization and Aggressive Guideline-driven drug Evaluation (COURAGE) trialAm Heart J2006
Chen, S.; Barnett, P. G.; Sempel, J. M.; Timko, C.Outcomes and costs of matching the intensity of dual-diagnosis treatment to patients' symptom severityJ Subst Abuse Treat2006
Yu, W.; Wagner, T. H.; Barnett, P. G.Determinants of cost among people who died in VA nursing homesMed Care Res Rev2006
Stroupe, K. T.; Morrison, D. A.; Hlatky, M. A.; Barnett, P. G.; Cao, L.; Lyttle, C.; Hynes, D. M.; Henderson, W. G.Cost-effectiveness of coronary artery bypass grafts versus percutaneous coronary intervention for revascularization of high-risk patientsCirculation2006
Timko, C.; Chen, S.; Sempel, J. M.; Barnett, P. G.Dual diagnosis patients in community or hospital care: one-year outcomes and health care utilization costsJournal of Mental Health2006
Smith, M. W.Childhood abuse and welfare useReview of Economics of the Household2005
Hu, T, Hawthorne G, Moore K, Subak L, Versi E, Wagner TEconomics of IncontinenceHealth Publication, Ltd2005
Wagner, T. H.; Chen, S.An economic evaluation of inpatient residential treatment programs in the department of veterans affairsMed Care Res Rev2005
Russo, P. A.; Smith, M. W.; Namjoshi, M.Health care costs for schizophrenia patients started on olanzapine versus risperidoneAm J Health Syst Pharm2005
Wu, M.; Xin, Y.; Wang, H.; Yu, W.Private and public cross-subsidization: financing Beijing's health-insurance reformHealth Policy2005
Wagner, T. H.; Bundorf, M. K.; Singer, S. J.; Baker, L. C.Free Internet access, the digital divide, and health informationMed Care2005
Heisler, M.; Wagner, T. H.; Piette, J. D.Patient strategies to cope with high prescription medication costs: who is cutting back on necessities, increasing debt, or underusing medications?J Behav Med2005
Smith, M. W.; Schnurr, P. P.; Rosenheck, R. A.Employment outcomes and PTSD symptom severityMent Health Serv Res2005
Berger, M.; Wagner, T. H.; Baker, L. C.Internet use and stigmatized illnessSoc Sci Med2005
Matchar, D. B.; Jacobson, A. K.; Edson, R. G.; Lavori, P. W.; Ansell, J. E.; Ezekowitz, M. D.; Rickles, F.; Fiore, L.; Boardman, K.; Phibbs, C.; Fihn, S. D.; Vertrees, J. E.; Dolor, R.The impact of patient self-testing of prothrombin time for managing anticoagulation: rationale and design of VA Cooperative Study #481--the Home INR Study (THINRS)J Thromb Thrombolysis2005
Hu, T. W.; Wagner, T. H.Health-related consequences of overactive bladder: an economic perspectiveBJU Int2005
Richardson, S. S.; Yu, W.Controlling for patient case mix at the end of life: issues in identifying cause of deathJAMA2005
Palevsky, P. M.; O'Connor, T.; Zhang, J. H.; Star, R. A.; Smith, M. W.Design of the VA/NIH Acute Renal Failure Trial Network (ATN) Study: intensive versus conventional renal support in acute renal failureClin Trials2005
VanVonno, C. J.; Ozminkowski, R. J.; Smith, M. W.; Thomas, E. G.; Kelley, D.; Goetzel, R.; Berg, G. D.; Jain, S. K.; Walker, D. R.What can a pilot congestive heart failure disease management program tell us about likely return on investment?: A case study from a program offered to federal employeesDis Manag2005
Sorensen, J. L.; Masson, C. L.; Delucchi, K.; Sporer, K.; Barnett, P. G.; Mitsuishi, F.; Lin, C.; Song, Y.; Chen, T.; Hall, S. M.Randomized trial of drug abuse treatment-linkage strategiesJ Consult Clin Psychol2005
Masson, C. L.; Barnett, P. G.; Sees, K. L.; Delucchi, K. L.; Rosen, A.; Wong, W.; Hall, S. M.Cost and cost-effectiveness of standard methadone maintenance treatment compared to enriched 180-day methadone detoxificationAddiction2004
Heisler, M.; Wagner, T. H.; Piette, J. D.Clinician identification of chronically ill patients who have problems paying for prescription medicationsAm J Med2004
Bakera, L. C.; Phibbs, C. S.; Guarino, C.; Supina, D.; Reynolds, J. L.Within-year variation in hospital utilization and its implications for hospital costsJ Health Econ2004
Bhutani, V. K.; Johnson, L. H.; Jeffrey Maisels, M.; Newman, T. B.; Phibbs, C.; Stark, A. R.; Yeargin-Allsopp, M.Kernicterus: epidemiological strategies for its prevention through systems-based approachesJ Perinatol2004
Wagner, T. H.; Cruz, A. M.; Chadwick, G. L.Economies of Scale in Institutional Review BoardsMed Care2004
Piette, J. D.; Heisler, M.; Wagner, T. H.Cost-related medication underuse: do patients with chronic illnesses tell their doctors?Arch Intern Med2004
Masson, C. L.; Sorensen, J. L.; Phibbs, C. S.; Okin, R. L.Predictors of medical service utilization among individuals with co-occurring HIV infection and substance abuse disordersAIDS Care2004
Cowper, D.; Yu, W.; Kuebeler, M.; Kubal, J. D.; Manheim, L. M.; Ripley, B. A.Using GIS in government: an overview of the VHA's Healthcare Atlas, FY-2000J Med Syst2004
Yu, W.; Cowper, D.; Berger, M.; Kuebeler, M.; Kubal, J.; Manheim, L.Using GIS to profile health-care costs of VA Quality-Enhancement Research Initiative diseasesJ Med Syst2004
Piette, J. D.; Heisler, M.; Wagner, T. H.Cost-related medication underuse among chronically ill adults: the treatments people forgo, how often, and who is at riskAm J Public Health2004
Bundorf, M. K.; Singer, S. J.; Wagner, T. H.; Baker, L.Consumers' use of the Internet for health insuranceAm J Manag Care2004
Wagner, T. H.; Goldstein, M. K.Behavioral interventions and cost-effectiveness analysisPrev Med2004
Yu, W.; Ravelo, A.; Wagner, T. H.; Barnett, P. G.The relationships among age, chronic conditions, and healthcare costsAm J Manag Care2004
Wagner, T. H.; Baker, L. C.; Bundorf, M. K.; Singer, S.Use of the internet for health information by the chronically illPrev Chronic Dis2004
Piette, J. D.; Wagner, T. H.; Potter, M. B.; Schillinger, D.Health insurance status, cost-related medication underuse, and outcomes among diabetes patients in three systems of careMed Care2004
Piette, J. D.; Heisler, M.; Wagner, T. H.Problems paying out-of-pocket medication costs among older adults with diabetesDiabetes Care2004
Smith, M. W.; Chen, S.Current trends in outpatient pharmacy in VA specialized mental health treatmentPsychiatr Serv2004
Hu, T. W.; Wagner, T. H.; Bentkover, J. D.; Leblanc, K.; Zhou, S. Z.; Hunt, T.Costs of urinary incontinence and overactive bladder in the United States: a comparative studyUrology2004
Wagner, T. H.Improving the decision processes of institutional review boardsJAMA2004
Bakera, L. C.; Phibbs, C. S.; Guarino, C.; Supina, D.; Reynolds, J. L.Within-year variation… Appendix - Formal analysis of the effects of demand variability of costs in a model with longterm and short-term contractsJ Health Econ2004
Wagner, THCost of Urinary IncontinenceTimely Top Med2004
Barnett, PG, Wagner TPreface to the supplement: Frontiers in VA cost determinationMed Care Res Rev2003
Barnett, P, Lin P, Wagner T.Estimating the cost of cardiac care provided by the hospitals of the US Department of Veterans AffairsCardiovascular Health Care Economics2003
Wagner, T. H.; Chen, S.; Barnett, P. G.Using average cost methods to estimate encounter-level costs for medical-surgical stays in the VAMed Care Res Rev2003
Yu, W.; Wagner, T. H.; Chen, S.; Barnett, P. G.Average cost of VA rehabilitation, mental health, and long-term hospital staysMed Care Res Rev2003
Phibbs, C. S.; Bhandari, A.; Yu, W.; Barnett, P. G.Estimating the costs of VA ambulatory careMed Care Res Rev2003
Smith, M. W.; Barnett, P. G.Direct measurement of health care costsMed Care Res Rev2003
Smith, M. W.; Joseph, G. J.Pharmacy data in the VA health care systemMed Care Res Rev2003
Barnett, P. G.Determination of VA health care costsMed Care Res Rev2003
Yu, W.; Ravelo, A.; Wagner, T. H.; Phibbs, C. S.; Bhandari, A.; Chen, S.; Barnett, P. G.Prevalence and costs of chronic conditions in the VA health care systemMed Care Res Rev2003
Gould, M. K.; Sanders, G. D.; Barnett, P. G.; Rydzak, C. E.; Maclean, C. C.; McClellan, M. B.; Owens, D. K.Cost-effectiveness of alternative management strategies for patients with solitary pulmonary nodulesAnn Intern Med2003
Sorensen, J. L.; Dilley, J.; London, J.; Okin, R. L.; Delucchi, K. L.; Phibbs, C. S.Case management for substance abusers with HIV/AIDS: a randomized clinical trialAm J Drug Alcohol Abuse2003
Baker, L.; Wagner, T. H.; Singer, S.; Bundorf, M. K.Use of the Internet and E-mail for Health Care Information: Results From a National SurveyJAMA2003
Wagner, T. H.; Bhandari, A.; Chadwick, G. L.; Nelson, D. K.The cost of operating institutional review boards (IRBs)Acad Med2003
Hu, T. W.; Wagner, T. H.; Bentkover, J. D.; LeBlanc, K.; Piancentini, A.; Stewart, W. F.; Corey, R.; Zhou, S. Z.; Hunt, T. L.Estimated economic costs of overactive bladder in the United StatesUrology2003
Wagner, L. S.; Wagner, T. H.The effect of age on the use of health and self-care information: confronting the stereotypeGerontologist2003
Humphreys, K.; Trafton, J.; Wagner, T. H.The cost of institutional review board procedures in multicenter observational researchAnn Intern Med2003
Schmitt, S. K.; Phibbs, C. S.; Piette, J. D.The influence of distance on utilization of outpatient mental health aftercare following inpatient substance abuse treatmentAddict Behav2003
Crown, W. H.; Olufade, A.; Smith, M. W.; Nathan, R.Seasonal versus perennial allergic rhinitis: drug and medical resource use patternsValue Health2003
Berger, M.; Gould, M. K.; Barnett, P. G.The cost of positron emission tomography in six United States Veterans Affairs hospitals and two academic medical centersAJR Am J Roentgenol2003
Cuellar, A. E.; Wagner, T. H.; Hu, T. W.; Peifer, K.; Kitzman, H.; Tobin, S. J.; Shih, V.; Morrow, S.New opportunities for integrated child health systems: results from the multifaceted pre-to-three programAm J Public Health2003
Chen, S.; Smith, M. W.; Wagner, T. H.; Barnett, P. G.Spending for specialized mental health treatment in The VA: 1995-2001Health Aff (Millwood)2003
Wagner, T. H.; Jimison, H. B.Computerized health information and the demand for medical careValue Health2003
Wagner, T. H.; Subak, L. L.Evaluating an incontinence intervention in nursing home residentsJ Am Geriatr Soc2003
Baker, L. C.; Phibbs, C. S.Managed care, technology adoption, and health care: the adoption of neonatal intensive careRand J Econ2002
Barnett, P. G.; Chen, S.; Boden, W. E.; Chow, B.; Every, N. R.; Lavori, P. W.; Hlatky, M. A.Cost-effectiveness of a conservative, ischemia-guided management strategy after non-Q-wave myocardial infarction: results of a randomized trialCirculation2002
Cohen, H. J.; Feussner, J. R.; Weinberger, M.; Carnes, M.; Hamdy, R. C.; Hsieh, F.; Phibbs, C.; Courtney, D.; Lyles, K. W.; May, C.; McMurtry, C.; Pennypacker, L.; Smith, D. M.; Ainslie, N.; Hornick, T.; Brodkin, K.; Lavori, P.A controlled trial of inpatient and outpatient geriatric evaluation and managementN Engl J Med2002
Cifuentes, J.; Bronstein, J.; Phibbs, C. S.; Phibbs, R. H.; Schmitt, S. K.; Carlo, W. A.Mortality in low birth weight infants according to level of neonatal care at hospital of birthPediatrics2002
Emanuel, E. J.; Ash, A.; Yu, W.; Gazelle, G.; Levinsky, N. G.; Saynina, O.; McClellan, M.; Moskowitz, M.Managed care, hospice use, site of death, and medical expenditures in the last year of lifeArch Intern Med2002
Crystal-Peters, J.; Neslusan, C. A.; Smith, M. W.; Togias, A.Health care costs of allergic rhinitis-associated conditions vary with allergy seasonAnn Allergy Asthma Immunol2002
Wagner, T. H.; Hu, T. W.; Bentkover, J.; LeBlanc, K.; Stewart, W.; Corey, R.; Zhou, Z.; Hunt, T.Health-related consequences of overactive bladderAm J Manag Care2002
Russo, P.; Smith, M. W.; Dirani, R.; Namjoshi, M.; Tohen, M.Pharmacotherapy patterns in the treatment of bipolar disorderBipolar Disord2002
Smith, M. W.Work and abuse among poor women: Evidence from Washington StateResearch in Labor Economics2002
Trafton, J, Finney J, Moos RH, Willenbring M, Humphreys K, Barnett PEffective Treatment of Opioid DependencePractice Matters2001
Barnett, P. G.; Rodgers, J. H.; Bloch, D. A.A meta-analysis comparing buprenorphine to methadone for treatment of opiate dependenceAddiction2001
Chen, S.; Wagner, T. H.; Barnett, P. G.The effect of reforms on spending for veterans' substance abuse treatment, 1993-1999Health Aff (Millwood)2001
Wagner, T. H.; Hibbard, J. H.; Greenlick, M. R.; Kunkel, L.Does providing consumer health information affect self-reported medical utilization? Evidence from the Healthwise Communities ProjectMed Care2001
Wagner, T. H.; Greenlick, M. R.When parents are given greater access to health information, does it affect pediatric utilization?Med Care2001
Levinsky, N. G.; Yu, W.; Ash, A.; Moskowitz, M.; Gazelle, G.; Saynina, O.; Emanuel, E. J.Influence of age on Medicare expenditures and medical care in the last year of lifeJama2001
Wagner, T. H.; Hu, T.; Duenas, G. V.; Kaplan, C. P.; Nguyen, B. H.; Pasick, R. J.Does willingness to pay vary by race/ethnicity? An analysis using mammography among low-income womenHealth Policy2001
Barnett, P. G.; Zaric, G. S.; Brandeau, M. L.The cost-effectiveness of buprenorphine maintenance therapy for opiate addiction in the United StatesAddiction2001
Wagner, T. H.; Hu, T. W.; Hibbard, J. H.The demand for consumer health informationJ Health Econ2001
Wagner, T. H.; Hibbard, J. H.Who uses self-care books, advice nurses, and computers for health information?Int J Technol Assess Health Care2001
Ash, A. S.; Ellis, R. P.; Pope, G. C.; Ayanian, J. Z.; Bates, D. W.; Burstin, H.; Iezzoni, L. I.; MacKay, E.; Yu, W.Using diagnoses to describe populations and predict costsHealth Care Financ Rev2000
Hu, T. W.; Wagner, T. H.Economic considerations in overactive bladderAm J Manag Care2000
Yu, W.; Ash, A. S.; Levinsky, N. G.; Moskowitz, M. A.Intensive care unit use and mortality in the elderlyJ Gen Intern Med2000
Guendelman, S.; Wagner, T. H.Health services utilization among Latinos and white non-Latinos: results from a national surveyJ Health Care Poor Underserved2000
Mooney, C.; Zwanziger, J.; Phibbs, C. S.; Schmitt, S.Is travel distance a barrier to veterans' use of VA hospitals for medical surgical care?Soc Sci Med2000
Zaric, G. S.; Barnett, P. G.; Brandeau, M. L.HIV transmission and the cost-effectiveness of methadone maintenanceAm J Public Health2000
Rodgers, J. H.; Barnett, P. G.Two separate tracks? A national multivariate analysis of differences between public and private substance abuse treatment programsAm J Drug Alcohol Abuse2000
Barnett, P. G.; Hui, S. S.The cost-effectiveness of methadone maintenanceMt Sinai J Med2000
Lavori, PW, Feussner JR, Wagner TEconomic and ethical considerations in placebo controlled trails of new drugs for mood disordersThe Economics of Neuroscience2000
Zaric, GS, Brandeau ML, Barnett PMethadone Maintenance and HIV Prevention: A Cost-Effectiveness AnalysisManagement Science2000
Spetz, J.; Baker, L.; Phibbs, C.; Pedersen, R.; Tafoya, S.The effect of passing an "anti-immigrant" ballot proposition on the use of prenatal care by foreign-born mothers in CaliforniaJ Immigr Health2000
Swindle, R.; Lukas, C. V.; Meyer, D. A.; Barnett, P. G.; Hendricks, A. M.Cost analysis in the Department of Veterans Affairs: consensus and future directionsMed Care1999
Barnett, P. G.Review of methods to determine VA health care costsMed Care1999
Barnett, P. G.; Rodgers, J. H.Use of the Decision Support System for VA cost-effectiveness researchMed Care1999
Wagner, T. H.; Wagner, L. S.Who gets second opinions?Health Aff (Millwood)1999
Lightwood, J. M.; Phibbs, C. S.; Glantz, S. A.Short-term health and economic benefits of smoking cessation: low birth weightPediatrics1999
Barnett, P. G.The cost-effectiveness of methadone maintenance as a health care interventionAddiction1999
Patrick, D. L.; Martin, M. L.; Bushnell, D. M.; Yalcin, I.; Wagner, T. H.; Buesching, D. P.Quality of life of women with urinary incontinence: further development of the incontinence quality of life instrument (I-QOL)Urology1999
Chen, S.; DJ, AdamchakThe Effects of Filial Responsibility Expectations on Intergenerational Exchanges in Guangzhou, ChinaHallym Intl J of Aging1999
Barnett, P. G.The cost-effectiveness of substance abuse treatmentCurr Psychiatry Rep1999