USDA Forest Service

Nez Perce National Forest

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Nez Perce
National Forest

104 Airport Road
Grangeville ID 83530

(208) 983-1950

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.[logo] FirstGov is the official web portal of the U.S. Government

Plans and Projects

Page Index

Forest Plan | Other Plans and Area Analysis
Forest NEPA Projects
| Other Information

The Forest Plan

The Nez Perce Forest Plan provides management direction for the entire forest. All other plans and projects tier to the Forest Plan.

The Forest Plan is in the revision process. For more information, visit the:

Clearwater Nez Perce Forest Plan Web Site

Forest Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Reports

Fiscal Years 2003 and 2004: Executive Summary | Report (pdf, 1 mb)

Fiscal Years 2001 and 2002

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Other Plans and Area Analyses

These plans provide overarching guidance to specific projects and they tier to the forest plan. They are usually resource or area specific.

Landscape Assessments

Landscape Assessment Information

Completed Assessment: South Fork Clearwater River

Designated Routes and Areas for Motor Vehicle Use (DRAMVU) Planning

Information Page


Ecosystem Analysis at the Watershed Scale (EAWS)

Ecosystem Analysis Information

Completed Projects: Red River

Recreation Facility Analysis (RFA)


Roads Analysis

Roads Analysis Report (2.6 mb)

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Forest NEPA Projects

These are analyses we conduct for a specific activities. Also included in this list are past projects, their objectives, and their results. This list is not all-inclusive, but displays only the major forest projects.

SOPA (Schedule of Proposed Actions)

The Schedule of Proposed Actions summarizes the current analyses for proposed projects on the forest.

You can view Nez Perce NF SOPA reports in PDF or HTM formats, or you can search for other forest's SOPA reports on the Nez Perce page at the SOPA web site. (link opens new window)


To see the outcome of appeals and objections to Forest Service decisions, go to:

Appeal Responses for the Nez Perce NF - issued after October 1, 2006


Appeal Responses for the Nez Perce NF - issued before October 1, 2006


Objection Responses for the Nez Perce NF

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Stewardship and Categorical Exclusions

Status Report - 09/15/08

NEPA Projects

American River and Crooked River FEIS


Antler Fire Salvage


Blacktail Fuels Reduction


Buckhorn Salvage Project


Christie Creek and Sherwin Creek Allotments

Cold Toes Project


Designated Routes and Areas for Motor Vehicle Use (DRAMVU) Planning (please see the section "Other Plans and Area Analyses" above)


Fenn Face Project


Kessler Fuels Project


Little Slate Project


Meadow Face - FEIS | DSEIS | FSEIS


Red Pines: ROD | FEIS


Riverview Allotment - Island Range Allotment


Salmon River Recreation Sites Renovation


Selway Bitterroot Wilderness Invasives Plant Management Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement


Selway Crossing


For information about a specific project or other project not listed, contact the appropriate Nez Perce NF Office.

Other Project Information

North Central Idaho Resource Advisory Committee

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Other Information

USDA Forest Service NEPA, NFMA and Appeals


Roadless Area Conservation Rule

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USDA Forest Service - Nez Perce National Forest
Last Modified: Monday, 22 December 2008 at 17:18:08 EST

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.