USDA mantilasal Service

Manti-La Sal National Forest


Manti-La Sal National Forest
599 W. Price River Dr.
Price, UT 84501

(435) 637-2817

United States Department of Agriculture mantilasal Service.

Recreational Activities

[Photograph]: A family is gathered around a campfire roasting marshmallows. Their tent is in the background.

The Manti-La Sal National Forest offers a wide variety of recreation options. Expect a variety of weather conditions over the year, varying widely with elevation. Plan your outing and clothing accordingly! You can calculate roughly -5 degrees Fahrenheit for each 1000 feet of elevation gain. This translates to a potential temperature decrease of over 40 degrees from the Moab valley floor to the summits of the La Sal Mountains. From the Sanpete and Castle Valleys to the top of the Wasatch Plateau, temperatures in August will decrease by about 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

Spring brings wildflowers to the forest. The blossoms gradually work their way to higher elevations, providing a colorful and protracted show in wet years. Late-season snowfields provide the easiest access of the year to the loose, talus-strewn peaks.
In the summer, the position of the plateaus and mountains above the desert provides relief from scorching temperatures below.

Fall is colorful with autumn leaves, gold aspen and bright red maple interspersed with dark evergreens. Rivers and streams are lined with reds willows and yellow cottonwoods.

Winter brings solitude, snow fall, and winter sports.

Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act 2007 Accomplishment Reports

The Act provides agencies with recreation fee authority for 10 years, which will allow the agencies to make improvements and provide additional services to forest visitors. More information on this act.




Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM)

Manti-La Sal NF Interactive Mapping Site


USDA Forest Service - Manti-La Sal National Forest
Last Modified: Monday, 08 September 2008 at 17:57:36 EDT

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