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EPS Time Manipulation Routines

This chapter discusses the interfaces of the EPS routines that deal with EPS internal time representation form. The EPS internal representation for time is a two-integer-number format. The first integer is the true Julian Day Number (e.g. May 23,1968 = 2,440,000). This true Julian Day should not be confused with the year-day (e.g. Feb. 2 is year-day 33), which is frequently called Julian Day by oceanographers and meteorologists. Our true Julian Day Number will begin at midnight (the Julian Day Number used by astronomers begins at noon). The second integer is the number of milliseconds since midnight with 86,400,000 in a day. July 4, 1994 16:57:23.217 GMT is 2,449,538 and 61,043,217 in EPS internal time representation. All times are assumed to be GMT. Once a data file is loaded to the internal database, the time axis will be converted to EPS internal time representation. When write an EPS file, the time axis will be converted back its default time format or to the format specified by user. For classic EPIC data file, EPS routines only read and write classic EPIC default time format. Operations supported on time manipulation routines are:

Convert EPS Time to MDYHMS

The function ep_time_to_mdyhms (or eptimetomdyhms for Fortran) converts internal EPS time representation to numerical values of month, day, year, hour, minute and second.

ep_time_to_mdyhms: C Interface

   void ep_time_to_mdyhms(long* time, int* mon, int* day, int* yr,
                          int* hour, int* min, float* sec)

     time[2] I  EPS internal time format; i.e. time[0]=True Julian Days, 
                time[1]=milliseconds since 0:00 GMT
         mon O  month, 1-12 
         day O  day of month, 1-31 
          yr O  year (e.g. 1984) 
        hour O  hour of day, GMT 
         min O  minute of hour 
         sec O  seconds of minute, to nearest millisecond 
eptimetomdyhms: FORTRAN Interface
   subroutine eptimetomdyhms(integer time(2), integer mon, integer day,
                             integer yr, integer hour, integer min,
                             real sec)

        time I  EPS internal time format; i.e. time(1)=True Julian Days, 
                time(2)=milliseconds since 0:00 GMT
         mon O  month, 1-12 
         day O  day of month, 1-31 
          yr O  year (e.g. 1984) 
        hour O  hour of day, GMT 
         min O  minute of hour 
         sec O  seconds of minute, to nearest millisecond 

Convert MDYHMS to EPS Time

The function mdyhms_to_ep_time (or mdyhmstoeptime for Fortran) converts numerical values of month, day, year, hour, minute and second to the EPS internal time representation. If invalid input month, day, hour, minute or second is detected, the output EPS time (both True Julian Day and millisecond) will contain 0.

mdyhms_to_ep_time: C Interface

   void mdyhms_to_ep_time(int mon, int day, int yr, int hour, int min,
                          float sec, long* time)

       mon I  month, 1-12 
       day I  day of month, 1-31 
        yr I  year (e.g. 1984) 
      hour I  hour of day, GMT 
       min I  minute of hour 
       sec I  seconds of minute, to nearest millisecond 
   time[2] O  EPS internal time format 
mdyhmstoeptime: FORTRAN Interface
   subroutine mdyhmstoeptime(integer mon, integer day, integer yr,
                             integer hour, integer min, real sec, 
                             integer time(2))

       mon I  month, 1-12 
       day I  day of month, 1-31 
        yr I  year (e.g. 1984) 
      hour I  hour of day, GMT 
       min I  minute of hour 
       sec I  seconds of minute, to nearest millisecond 
      time O  EPS internal time format 

Convert EPS Time to Year-Day Number

The function ep_time_to_ydn (or eptimetoydn for Fortran) converts the EPS time to year and year-day number. The year-day number is defined as the number of days since beginning of the year (e.g. Feb. 2 is year-day 33). Note: Sometimes people incorrectly refer to year-day number as Julian day number.

ep_time_to_ydn: C Interface

   void ep_time_to_ydn(long* time, int* year, int* ydn)

    time[2] I  EPS internal time format 
       year O  year (e.g. 1984) 
        ydn O  year-day number (e.g. 1 for January 1st)
eptimetoydn: FORTRAN Interface
   subroutine eptimetoydn(integer time(2), integer year, integer ydn)

       time I  EPS internal time format 
       year O  year (e.g. 1984) 
        ydn O  year-day number (e.g. 1 for January 1st)

Convert Year-Day Number to EPS Time

The function ydn_to_ep_time (or ydntoeptime for Fortran) converts numerical values of year and year-day-number to EPS time. The milliseconds portion of EPS time will be zero.

ydn_to_ep_time: C Interface

   void ydn_to_ep_time(int year, int ydn, long* time)

       year I  year (e.g. 1984) 
        ydn I  year-day number (e.g. 1 for January 1st)
    time[2] O  EPS internal time format 
ydntoeptime: FORTRAN Interface
   subroutine ydntoeptime(integer year, integer ydn, integer time(2))

       year I  year (e.g. 1984) 
        ydn I  year-day number (e.g. 1 for January 1st)
       time O  EPS internal time format 

Convert EPS Time to Formatted String

The function ep_time_to_str (or eptimetostr for Fortran) converts the EPS internal time to a string based on the format string. The format string is a short hand notation for how the date and time are to be written. An example is ``D-MM-YYYY hh:mm'' which would yield the string ``7-02-1989 21:16''. The position and number of the key letters determine the string format. Another example: ``DD MMM YYYY'' will yield the string ``07 FEB 1989''. A table of the meanings follows.

Time String Format Description
Dday formatted as 1-31
DDday formatted as 01-31
DDDday of week written as 3 character name
DDDDday of week, full format
Mmonth formatted as 1-12
MMmonth formatted as 01-12
MMMmonth formatted as 3 character name
MMMMmonth formatted as full name
YYyear written as last two digits. (Not available for strtoeptime().)
YYYYyear written as all four digits
hhour written as 1-24
hhhour written as 01-24
mminute written as 1-59
mmminute written as 01-59
ssecond written as 1-59
sssecond written as 01-59
ffraction of second written as 0-9
fffraction of second written as 00-99
ffffraction of second written as 000-999
Nyear-day number as 1-365
NNyear-day number 01-365
NNNyear-day number 001-365

Any character not in the above table is copied to the output string in the proper relative position. A backslash preceding any of the above formats is also copied to the output string.

ep_time_to_str: C Interface

   void ep_time_to_str(long* time, char* format, char** string)

      time[2] I  EPS internal time 
       format I  string to determine time formatting 
       string O  formatted output of time 
eptimetostr: Fortran Interface
   subroutine eptimetostr(integer time(2), character*(*) format,
                          character*(*) string, integer len)

         time I  EPS internal time 
       format I  string to determine time formatting 
       string O  formatted output of time 
          len O  length of string 

Convert Formatted String to EPS Time

The function str_to_ep_time (or strtoeptime for Fortran) converts a string to EPS time representation given a format. The input format string must follow the forms provided in the Time String Format Description table in the previous section. (Note: ``YY'' is not available for this function call.) Any character in the input time string which can not be described by the string listed in the table should appear exactly the same in the format string as it is in the time string. For example, your input time string is ``1990 Jan 10 12:00:00'', then the input string format must be ``yyyy MMM dd hh:mm:ss''. If invalid input month, day, hour, minute or second is detected, the output EPS time (both True Julian Day and millisecond) will contain 0.

str_to_ep_time: C Interface

   void str_to_ep_time(char* format, char* string, long* time)

       format I  format of input time string 
       string I  input time string 
      time[2] O  EPS internal time 
strtoeptime: Fortran Interface
   subroutine strtoeptime(character*(*) format, character*(*) string, 
                          integer time(2))

       format I  format of input time string 
       string I  input time string 
         time O  EPS internal time 

Subtract EPS Times

The function ep_time_sub (or eptimesub for Fortran) subtracts one EPS time from another and stores the difference in delta. delta = time2 - time1.

ep_time_sub: C Interface

   void ep_time_sub(long* time1, long* time2, long* delta)

      time1[2] I  first EPS time 
      time2[2] I  second EPS time 
      delta[2] O  time2 - time1 
eptimesub: Fortran Interface
   subroutine eptimesub(integer time1(2), integer time2(2), 
                        integer delta(2))

         time1 I  first EPS time 
         time2 I  second EPS time 
         delta O  time2 - time1 

Add EPS Times

The function ep_time_add (or eptimeadd for Fortran) adds EPS delta time to EPS time1 and stores the sum in EPS time2. time2 = delta + time1.

ep_time_add: C Interface

   void ep_time_add(long* time1, long* delta, long* time2)

      time1[2] I  EPS internal time format 
      delta[2] I  EPS time format increment 
      time2[2] O  EPS internal time format result 
eptimeadd: Fortran Interface
   subroutine eptimeadd(integer time1(2), integer delta(2), 
                        integer time2(2))

         time1 I  EPS internal time format 
         delta I  EPS time format increment 
         time2 O  EPS internal time format result 

Compute Number of Time Intervals

The integer function ep_time_intervals (or eptimeintervals for Fortran) returns the number of delta time intervals between time1 and time2, i.e. (time2 - time1)/deltat. (Note: it returns the nearest integral value, except halfway cases are rounded to the integral value larger in magnitude.)

ep_time_intervals: C Interface

   int ep_time_intervals(long* time1, long* time2, long* deltat)

      time1[2] I  first EPS time 
      time2[2] I  second EPS time 
     deltat[2] I  EPS time interval 
eptimeintervals: Fortran Interface
   integer function eptimeintervals(integer time1(2), integer time2(2),
                                    integer deltat(2))

         time1 I  first EPS time 
         time2 I  second EPS time 
        deltat I  EPS time interval 

Convert Array of Numbers to EPS Time Array

The function t_array_to_eptime (or tarraytoeptime for Fortran) Converts an array of integer or real number to an array of EPS time representation given length, data type, units and time base of the input time array. Two data types, EPREAL for real input time array and EPINT for integer input time array, are acceptable. The time base must be in EPS time representation.

t_array_to_eptime: C Interface

   void t_array_to_eptime(void* t, int len, int dtype, char* units,
                          long* tbase, long* eptime)

            t I  input time array
          len I  length of input time array
        dtype I  type of input time array, (i.e.EPREAL or EPINT)
        units I  units of input time array, (i.e. hour, minuts, or day
     tbase[2] I  input time base in EPS time format 
  eptime[2][] O  output EPS time representation 
eptimeintervals: Fortran Interface
   subroutine tarraytoeptime(dtype t(*), integer len, integer dtype, 
                             character*(*) units, integer tbase(2), 
                             integer eptime(2,*))
            t I  input time array
          len I  length of input time array
        dtype I  type of input time array, (i.e.EPREAL or EPINT)
        units I  units of input time array, (i.e. hour, minuts, or day)
        tbase I  input time base in EPS time format 
       eptime O  output EPS time representation 

Convert EPS Time Array to Array of Numbers

The function eptime_to_t_array (or eptimetotarray for Fortran) converts an array of EPS time representation to an array of integer or real number given length of input EPS time array and data type, units and time base of the output time array. Two data types are EPREAL for real output time array and EPINT for integer output time array are acceptable. The time base must be in EPS time representation.

eptime_to_t_array: C Interface

   void eptime_to_t_array(long* eptime, int len, int dtype, 
                          char* units, long* tbase, void* t)

    eptime[2][] I  input EPIC system time array
            len I  length of input EPS time array eptime[2]
          dtype I  type of output time array, (i.e. EPREAL or EPINT)
          units I  units of output time array, (i.e. hour, minuts, or day)
       tbase[2] I  output time base in EPS time format 
              t O  output time array
eptimetotarray: Fortran Interface
   subroutine eptimetotarray(integer eptime(2,*), integer len, 
                             integer dtype, character*(*) units, 
                             integer tbase(2), dtype t(*))

         eptime I  input EPIC system time array
            len I  length of input EPS time array
          dtype I  type of output time array, (i.e. EPREAL or EPINT)
          units I  units of output time array, (i.e. hour, minuts, or day)
          tbase I  output time base in EPS time format 
              t O  output time array

Convert Month from String to Integer

The integer function ep_month_to_int (or epmonthtoint for Fortran) returns input month string in integer. The valid input month string can be any of following format: "1", "01", "Jan" or "January".

ep_month_to_int: C Interface

   int ep_month_to_int(char *monstr)

       monstr I  month stringe 
epmonthtoint: Fortran Interface
   integer function epmonthtoint(character monstr)

       monstr I  month stringe 

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