In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the Federal government stated that it would assist in the rebuilding of the New Orleans Metropolitan Area. One of the mechanisms to assist in the rebuilding of public infrastructure after a Presidentially declared disaster is Stafford Act's Public Assistance (PA) Grant Program. This program, administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), provides federal grant assistance for the repair, replacement, or restoration of publicly owned facilities and the facilities of eligible private nonprofit organizations. These Alternative Arrangements (AA) are a way for FEMA to streamline the environmental review process under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
The main purpose of this section of the FEMA web site is to inform the public about the use of AA for NEPA compliance in rebuilding critical infrastructure (hospitals, schools, utilities, etc.) in the New Orleans Metropolitan Area. These critical infrastructure sites are now included as federally funded projects under the FEMA PA Grant Program.
This section is divided into two parts:
The content will change as additional information becomes available on FEMA AA and PA projects in the New Orleans Metropolitan Area. Check back often to see updated information.
Information presented on this website is collected, maintained, and provided for the convenience of the user. While every effort is made to keep such information accurate and up to date, FEMA does not certify the authenticity, accuracy, or completeness of the information on this website. Information such as eligible project funding, project locations and political boundaries are intended to illustrate the general limits of these areas. This information should not be considered suitable for engineering or design purposes. Under no circumstances shall FEMA be liable for any actions taken from reliance on any information contained herein, nor shall the agency be liable for any other consequences from any such reliance.
Last Modified: Thursday, 22-May-2008 16:09:24 EDT