Please check the main FEMA Employment Opportunties webpage for EHP job openings in FEMA's regional and headquarters offices.
A Disaster Assistance Employee (DAE), also known as a Stafford Act employee or Reservist, is a nonpermanent, excepted service employee appointed under the authority of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, P.L. 93-288, as amended. DAEs perform disaster response and recovery activities, usually at temporary work sites located in disaster damaged areas. Initial appointments are for periods of up to one year and may be renewed in increments of one year.
DAEs are a critical staff resource to FEMA. They perform key program, technical, and administrative functions during disasters. Without this work, FEMA's ability to assist State and local governments in recovering from the effects of disasters would be significantly less effective. DAEs must be free to travel at a minimum of two to six weeks at a time, and sometimes longer, usually with as little as a day or two of notice. They need to be able to produce high quality work with minimal supervision, under pressure and in a hectic work environment. Their travel to and from a disaster scene is paid for, along with day-to-day expenses for lodgings and an allotment for meals and expenses. DAEs receive a salary which is based on the kinds of work they perform.
Please note that FEMA employees may be subject to 24-hour on-call in the event of an emergency. This service may require irregular working hours, work at locations other than the official duty station, and may include duties other than those specified in the employee`s official position description. Selectee must be able to relocate to emergency sites with little advance notice and function under intense physical and mental stress.
If you are interested in becoming an Environmental and Historic Preservation DAE, please contact the Regional Environmental Officer of the region of interest for availability.
Last Modified: Thursday, 11-Oct-2007 16:21:21 EDT