United States Department of Veterans Affairs
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VHA Decision Support System (DSS) - Introduction


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The VHA Decision Support System (DSS) is a national automated management information system based on commercial software to integrate data from clinical and financial systems for both inpatient and outpatient care. The commercial software is utilized with interfaces developed to transport data into the system from the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA), the National Patient Care Database (NPCD), the Patient Treatment File (PTF), and various VA financial information systems. The VHA began implementation of DSS in 1994. Full implementation was completed in 1999 and DSS is now used throughout the VA healthcare system.

National software support is provided by the Decision Support Office (DSO), formerly known as the Bedford Technical Support Office (BTSO), in Bedford, MA. DSO is part of the DSS Program Office under the VHA Chief Financial Officer.

DSS data are available to researchers in three levels of aggregation: Production, National Data Extracts, and Summary Reports.

DSS Production Databases

The DSS is a distributed national software system implemented at the facility level by staff members who comprise the local DSS Site Team. For each VHA facility, there is a DSS production database that combines cost data, selected clinical data such as resource utilization, patterns of care, patient outcomes, and workload captured at the production level, i.e., by case (encounter), day, utilization, and laboratory results levels. The DSS production database software contains a set of tools for reporting, analysis, budgeting, and modeling. Using these reporting capabilities, DSS Site Teams can produce a variety of reports such as following a cohort of patients over time, analyzing patterns of care by day of inpatient stay, associating laboratory tests ordered with particular diagnoses, etc.

DSS National Data Extracts

The DSS Program Office working with the VHA VISN Support Services Center (VSSC) has created SAS datasets with data extracted from selected DSS database fields. These sets of national data are referred to as the National Data Extracts (NDE). Rollups of production data are now done periodically to produce the National Data Extracts (NDE). These datasets reflect the status of processing at each VHA medical center at the time of the creation of the dataset. Final SAS datasets for a Fiscal Year (FY) are normally produced in January after the close of a Fiscal Year, which ends on September 30.

Currently, the following extracts are available:



Data Available


DSS NDE Discharge Datasets for inpatients became available in FY 1999. Data is sorted by station, scrambled SSN, admission day and discharge day. FY1999 -


DSS NDE Outpatient Datasets became available in FY 1999. Because of the large numbers within this extract, data files are grouped by VISNs and are divided into Clinic Stop 160 (Pharmacy) and all other stops. FY1999 -
Laboratory DSS NDE Laboratory Datasets with both inpatient and outpatient test utilization and costs became available in FY 2002 . Because of the large numbers within this extract, data files are grouped by VISNs and separated into inpatient and outpatient files. FY2002 -
Laboratory Results DSS NDE Laboratory Results Datasets for a specific list of tests became available in FY 2003. Because of the large numbers within this extract, data files are grouped by VISNs and separated into inpatient and outpatient files. FY2000 -
Pharmacy DSS NDE Pharmacy Datasets for inpatient and outpatient utilization and costs became available in FY 2002. They include prescription, unit dose, and IV pharmacy detail. Because of the size of these extracts, the data files are grouped by VISNs and separated into inpatient and outpatient files. FY2002 -
Radiology DSS NDE Radiology Datasets for inpatient and outpatient utilization and costs of radiological procedures became available in FY 2002. FY2002 -

Treating Specialty

DSS NDE Treating Specialty Datasets became available in FY 1999. Data is sorted by Station, VISN, scrambled SSN, Treatment Specialty on Admission, and Treatment Specialty on Discharge. FY1999 -

Summary Reports

The VISN Support Services Center (VSSC) provides Web-based reports on the VA Intranet. The VSSC Web site point-and-click interface enables users to obtain reports using national DSS SAS datasets in Austin. Many of the VSSC reports are almost instantaneously available for downloading to a personal computer (PC). Other reports with longer processing times are routed to the user's account on the Austin Information Technology Center (AITC formerly: CFD; formerly: AAC) mainframe computer for download to the user's PC. Examples of reports available include:

  • Costs by Diagnostic Related Groups (DRGs)

  • Readmissions with Certain Numbers of Days

  • Average Patient Costs

  • Cost Details for Selected Clinic Stops

Descriptions of the VSSC KLF Menu and instructions on obtaining summary reports are available on the VIReC Web site in two issues of VIReC Insights Vol. 3, No. 2 PDF file and No. 3 PDF file .


DSS Data


Production Databases:
    Local facility or VISN Level
    National Level

Austin Information Technology Center (AITC formerly: CFD; formerly: AAC) Special request to DSO

National Data Extracts


Summary Reports

VSSC Intranet Web site

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