Declaration Process

Fire Management Assistance Grant Program

  1. Fire burning, uncontrolled
  2. State determines that the fire constitutes the threat of a major disaster
  3. Governor's Authorized Representative (GAR) submits request for fire management assistance to Regional Director by telephone
    • a. Regional staff record State's information on the Checklist
    • b. Regional staff contacts Principal Advisor for an assessment of the fire
    • c. National Office staff record the State's information, and any additional information provided by the Regional Office (Principal Advisor's Report, Regional Summary and Recommendation)
  4. Regional Staff notifies National Office of the Request
  5. National Office management renders determination
  6. Regional Office staff notify State staff of determination
    • a. State and Regional Office follow-up with written paperwork to National Office
    • b. National Office prepares Declaration Notification Package (Letter to White House, Memorandum to Regional Director)
    • c. National Office dispatches Declaration Notification Package once signed
  7. Regional Office works with State on FEMA-State Agreement for Fire Management Assistance
  8. or an amendment to the Agreement
  9. or State begins work on appeal and submits it to the Regional Director to be forwarded to the Associate Director of the Readiness, Response, and Recovery Directorate for one-time reconsideration.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 06-Dec-2006 18:09:50 EST