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On-line U.S. Sub-Saharan Africa Trade Data 2003 Report:  News Release 2003 Report:  Federal Register Notice 2003 Report:  Request Letter 2003 Report:  Other  USITC Reports Refereced U.S. Trade and Investment with Sub-Saharan Africa December 2003 Report U.S. Trade and Investment with Sub-Saharan Africa December 2002 Repor U.S. Trade and Investment with Sub-Saharan Africa December 2001 Repor USTR Website USITC Website On-line U.S. Sub-Saharan Africa Trade Data 2003 Report:  News Release 2003 Report:  Federal Register Notice 2003 Report:  Request Letter 2003 Report:  Other  USITC Reports Refereced U.S. Trade and Investment with Sub-Saharan Africa December 2003 Report U.S. Trade and Investment with Sub-Saharan Africa December 2002 Repor U.S. Trade and Investment with Sub-Saharan Africa December 2001 Repor USTR Website USITC Website

500 E Street, SW
Washington, DC 20436

U.S.-Trade and Investment with Sub-Saharan Africa
Inv. No. 332-415
Publication 3650
December 2003

Chapter 1 Tables

1–1. Sub–Saharan Africa: U.S. exports of domestic merchandise,
imports for consumption, and merchandise trade balance,
by major commodity sectors, 1998–2002

1–2. Sub–Saharan Africa: U.S. exports, by major commodity items,
1–3. Sub–Saharan Africa: U.S. imports, by major commodity items,
1–4. Total Africa and South Africa: U.S. cross–border service exports,
1996 and 2001
1–5. Total Africa and South Africa: U.S. cross–border service imports,
1996 and 2001

1–6. Global investment flows to developing countries, 1998–2002

1–7. U.S. direct investment abroad: Capital flows, 1998–2002

1–8. U.S. direct investment position on a historical cost basis, 1999–2002

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