United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Section 508

VA 's Section 508 Points of Contact


Email Section508@va.gov  for information, questions or comments related to Section 508 standards, procurement, web accessibility, training and awareness, and legal inquiries.

Points of Contact List based on Program & Service:

Section 508 Program Manager


Jacqueline Washington

Email:  Jacqueline.Washington@va.gov

Office Phone:  202-461-5197


Section 508 Team


The Section 508 team is divided into three functional areas:  Section 508 Coordinator, Test Manager, and Facility Manager.



Section 508 Coordinator


Pat Sheehan

Email:  Pat.Sheehan@va.gov

Office Phone:  202-461-5207


The VA's Section 508 Coordinator chairs the Section 508 Advisory Board with members from VA Administrations and Staff Offices and works with the VA’s Chief Information Officer (CIO) to hold regularly scheduled meetings to keep Section 508 stakeholders (disabled veterans & employees) abreast on relevant Section 508 matters. Main areas of concentration are: 1) Education, 2) Outreach, 3) Training, and 4) Awareness.


Test Manager


Terri Bean

Email:  Terri.Bean@va.gov

Office Phone:  202-461-6350


The Test Manager oversees test engineers who analyze and test E-products, E-learning courses, COTS products and VA-developed software applications for Section 508 conformance received via VA’s PC Hardware and Software contract (SEWP IV), the IT Tracking System, through in-house and commercial developers and from customers who experience problems accessing E-applications.


Facility Manager

Robert Volck

Email:  Robert.Volck@va.gov

Phone:  202-461-5206


Operates and manages the Section 508 Testing and Training Center, ensuring the Test Center environment is configured to accommodate testing COTS products, software applications and hardware with current versions of accessibility testing tools such as screen readers, screen enlargers and refreshable Braille tools.