Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare  

    Idaho Clandestine Drug (Meth) Lab Cleanup Program

Illegal clandestine drug labs may pose a health threat to unsuspecting home buyers or renters. Typically, these labs have been used to manufacture methamphetamine, commonly referred to as meth, speed or crank.  After an illegal meth lab is discovered by law enforcement officials, the bulk of lab-related materials, including chemicals and containers, is usually removed. However, it is still possible that small amounts of contaminants may have been left behind on floors, walls, counters, carpets, furniture, sinks, drains and ventilation systems. Though usually found in small amounts, meth lab contaminants may pose health threats to persons exposed to them.

Currently there is no official federal guidance, or regulations, on how to clean up a former meth lab. Idaho Legislators realized the danger meth labs pose and passed a law (Senate Bill 1122) that gave IDHW the authority and responsibility to develop and maintain a program that lists properties that were used as clandestine drug labs. The rules (IDAPA16.02.24) were approved by the Legislature and became effective on April 11, 2006. As of this date, properties reported as clandestine drug labs will be added to the Clandestine Drug Laboratory Site Property List.

Methamphetamine clandestine drug laboratories can be located in motels; in rural areas away from the general public; and in residential areas, including houses, apartments and garages. Mobile labs have also been found in vehicles and discarded along roadsides or parking lots.

Meth labs often have an unusually sweet or strong odor such as ether, ammonia or auto parts cleaner. The windows of buildings are often covered, blacked out or frosted. Sporadic traffic throughout the day and night and trash containing large amounts of empty anti-freeze containers, camping fuel cans, battery parts, stained coffee filters, drain cleaners and glassware are common signs of meth labs.

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) has put together guidance to assist local agencies, property owners, contractors and the general public in addressing contamination at former meth labs (Guidelines for Cleaning up Former Methamphetamine Labs). For more information about Idaho's Clandestine Drug Lab Cleanup Program, please contact Jim Faust of the Idaho Indoor Environment Program at 1-800-445-8647 or

Click on the links below for more information about Idaho’s Clandestine Drug (Meth) Lab Cleanup Program:

Property List

Idaho Clandestine Drug (Meth) Laboratory Site Property List

Cleaning Up a Former Meth Lab

Guidelines for Cleaning Up Former Methamphetamine Labs

List of Cleanup Contractors Serving Idaho

List of Qualified Industrial Hygienists Serving Idaho


Fact Sheet on Idaho Clandestine Drug Laboratory Cleanup Act and Rules

Bill 1122 "Clandestine Drug Laboratory Cleanup Act"

IDAPA 10.02.24 "Clandestine Drug Laboratory Cleanup Rules"

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare

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