Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare  
Emergency Medical Services

  Idaho's EMS Bureau supports our statewide system that responds to critical illness and injury situations.

Services include:

  • Licensing ambulance and non-transport EMS services;
  • Certification and recertification of EMS personnel;
  • Operation of the statewide EMS Communications Center;
  • Technical assistance and grants to community EMS agencies; and
  • Evaluation of EMS system performance.

Idaho EMS Mission, Vision, Values     


Poison Prevention Logo


What's New

EMS History Timeline
EMS History timeline represents EMS systems history statewide from the early 1960s to present. The timeline loads slowly, we appreciate your patience.


In the interim period before a scheduled revision and update to the following EMS Bureau Standards Manuals, policy statements may be created to address emerging need for clarification of existing policy or development of new policy for EMS agencies, providers or EMS bureau staff.

State Communications
State Communications provides radio communication support
for rapid response to emergency medical situations – click for more


Poison Prevention Information/Materials - Toll-free hotline and order information

EMS for Children
  Idaho EMS responds to an average of 21 calls made per day for children who have illnesses or injuries.
Ensuring state-of-the-art emergency medical care is provided to all children and adolescents.
Frequently asked questions.
Emergency Medical Services helps strengthen the rural health care network in areas that have a Critical Access Hospital.

Regional EMS Offices

Provides safe alternative for parents who might otherwise abandon their babies.
Pediatric/adult patient care guidelines for licensed BLS EMS agencies and professionals to assist in developing agency specific protocols.
Idaho Emergency Medical Services County Profiles
Over the last 45 years, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Idaho have evolved from the first generation ambulance district law allowing establishment of services where none were available into a combination of 191 diverse agencies across the state. Presently, 80% of Idaho’s counties are served by two or more ground EMS agencies. All counties have one or more air medical services available to transport severely ill and injured patients.
Operating at the intersection of public health, public safety, and emergency medicine, EMS serves as the health care system’s “safety net”. Availability and quality of services has become a standing expectation of the public.
While patient care reporting systems at the local and state level quantify numbers and types of emergency medical responses, no single source of information has been available to capture the architecture and demographics of EMS agencies and EMS personnel in the state of Idaho. Understanding the structure and characteristics of EMS at the local level is critical to further the implementation and sophistication of EMS systems across the state.
The information in this compendium has been compiled from a variety of sources. Please consult the list of citations on page v and under individual tables. EMS agency and personnel information is based on licensure applications, personnel certification data, patient care reporting, grant award history, and when necessary, direct assessment by EMS Bureau staff. Please direct any observations about the quality and utility of this information to the EMS Bureau of the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare.
Idaho EMS Bureau Contact Information
"Contact Us"  
POST Information
EMS Physician Commission
Meetings underway – see below

Idaho EMS Listserve

The Idaho EMS Listserve serves as a place for stakeholders in the Idaho EMS system to exchange information. If you are interested in joining the Listserve, follow this link:


                                        EMS Advisory Committee (EMSAC)
Next EMSAC Meeting
> February 19, 2009
Oxford Suites
1426 S Entertainment Ave
Boise, ID

EMS Code Task Force
January 23, 2009
9:00 am
33 East Broadway, Meridian
(corner of Main and Broadway)

February 13, 2009
Time: 9:30 - 5:00
Cambria Suites - Sawtooth Room
2970 W Elder
Boise, ID

Frequently Asked Questions

  Summary Information

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