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Case Description.

(Reference: SEER Program Coding and Staging Manual 2004, pgs 169-201 and Appendix C for Surgery of Primary Site codes; FORDS Manual, pgs 129-191 and Appendix B for Surgery of Primary Site codes.)

Date Therapy Initiated

Format: dd/mm/xx
/ /

Code: 04/09/XX

The first cancer-directed therapy (treatment given in an attempt to destroy or modify cancer tissue) was the lobectomy.

Surgery of Primary Site

Code: 40

Near total thyroidectomy. A right thyroidectomy was done previously for benign disease, and the current surgery removed the left lobe and part of the isthmus. Reference: SEER Program Coding and Staging Manual 2004, pg. 177.

Code the most extensive surgery if the patient has multiple surgical procedures of the primary site.

Scope of Regional LN Surgery

Code: 0

No regional lymph nodes removed.

Surgical Procedure of Other Site

Code: 0


Reason for No Surgery of Primary Site

Code: 0

Surgery of the primary site was performed

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