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Genetic and Biological Markers in Drug Abuse and Alcoholism

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 66 [Printed in 1986]

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Table of Contents

Monique C. Braude and Helen M. Chao

Genetic and Biological Markers in Drug Abuse and Alcoholism: A Summary-----1
Warren W. Nichols

Polymorphic Gene Marker Studies-----5
Robert S. Sparkes

Individual Differences in Opiate-Induced Alterations at the Cytogenetic, DNA Repair, and Immunologic Levels: Opportunity for Genetic Assessment-----11
Arthur Falek; John J. Madden; David A. Shafer; and Robert M. Donahoe

Pharmacogenetic Approaches to the Prediction of Drug Response-----25
Elliot S. Vesell

Studies on an Animal Model of Alcoholism-----41
Ting-Kai Li; Lawrence Lumeng; William J. McBride; Marshall B. Waller; and James M. Murphy

Development of DNA Probes to Investigate Genetic Variation of Alcohol Metabolizing Enzymes-----50
Moyra Smith; Gregg Duester; and G. Wesley Hatfield

Genetics as a Tool for Identifying Biological Markers of Drug Abuse-----57
Allan C. Collins

Genetic Markers of Drug Abuse in Mouse Models-----71
Louis Shuster

Inheritance of Risk to Develop Alcoholism-----86
C. Robert Cloninger; Soren Sigvardsson; Theodore Reich; and Michael Bohman

Genetic and Biological Markers in Alcoholism and Drug Abuse-----97
Marc A. Schuckit

Recommendations for Future Research on Genetic and Biological Markers in Drug Abuse and Alcoholism-----109
Monique C. Braude and Helen M. Chao

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----112

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