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Exercise To Help Manage Chronic Pain and/or Fatigue

A Resource for Service Members and Their Families

If you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer from chronic fatigue and/or chronic pain, exercise may help you manage your symptoms. Illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia carry with them the symptoms of prolonged fatigue, pain and many other symptoms that may impair your ability to do daily activities. This might lead you to an inactive lifestyle. Living an inactive lifestyle may increase your level of fatigue and pain, lead to de-conditioning of the body, make you more prone to injury and put you at risk for other more severe health problems. A cycle develops:

Effect of not doing exercise- downward cycle

Daily exercise can end that downward cycle
and replace it with an upward, positive cycle

When a person exercises, a new cycle develops:

Effect of exercise- upward cycle

Wouldn't it be great to be able do your daily activities without having to worry so much about the pain or fatigue and still have energy left over for enjoying your recreational activities? Regular physical activity and/or exercise can help you do that.


  • Decreased pain
  • Decreased fatigue
  • Decreased number of tender points (joint and muscle pain)
  • Decrease in blood pressure
  • Decreased resting heart rate
  • Decrease risk for heart disease or stroke
  • Improved sleep
  • Decreased anxiety and depression
  • Increased efficiency of the heart
  • Increased control of blood sugar levels
  • Increased ability to burn fat
  • Improved physical fitness
  • Decreased loss of muscle strength and aerobic fitness
  • Increased energy
  • Improved cholesterol profile
  • Enhanced feeling of well-being
  • Enhanced performance of work and recreational activities

Recent research studies with patients that had either chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia have reported that moderate exercise decreased fatigue, pain, distress, and symptoms. At the same time, it improved health perceptions, physical function, and aerobic fitness. Some studies have also shown that low-intensity exercise like walking and pool exercises improved symptoms and ability to do daily activities. As a result of low intensity exercise, people reported less joint and muscle pain.

Exercise has benefits for everyone so make the commitment to yourself to get started in an exercise program. You will feel better, and you will feel better about yourself.


To begin an exercise program, start by just gradually increasing your daily activity. Use any opportunity you have to do some extra walking.

  • Park a little bit farther when you go shopping or go to the grocery store
  • Take the stairs whenever you can
  • Get up more often and do some tasks around your home
  • Limit your television watching (as this promotes inactivity)
  • Go out with friends more often
  • Join a local club or organization, or take up a hobby

Make sure that you contact a doctor and determine your exercise readiness. Exercise must be started slowly and increased gradually. Performing a strenuous exercise if you have not been physically active is not advised and may aggravate symptoms. Some fatigue and soreness is normal when starting an exercise program. You should avoid any level of activity that you find increases your fatigue or any of your other symptoms to a level that is unusual.


Walking, swimming, riding a stationary bike, water aerobics, or a rowing machine are all good aerobic exercise sources . Stretching exercises, yoga, and breathing exercises are good additions to the aerobic exercises because they increase blood supply and nutrients to the joints, decrease risk of injury, increase coordination, improve balance, and reduce stress in muscles.

Initially, the daily duration could be as little as 5 minutes or less, once a week. Gradually build up to three to four times a week. After you have built up to three to four times a week, gradually increase the length of time for your exercise routine. Go from 5 minutes the first couple of weeks, to 10 minutes the next couple of weeks, to 15 minutes the next couple of weeks. Keep increasing the amount of time you exercise until you reach a goal of 30 straight minutes of aerobic activity. Please see the table as an example of what your exercise progression might look like.

The intensity of the exercise should only be increased after you have achieved your goal of 30 straight minutes of aerobic activity. After you have achieved the 30 minutes, you should consult your doctor or physical therapist about starting some light strength training.

Be gentle with yourself; listen to your body. Avoid the tendency to increase the amount or the intensity of your exercise on days when you are feeling well. If you overexert yourself, you will increase your risk of aggravating your symptoms.

Studies have demonstrated an abnormal perception of muscular activity in chronic fatigue syndrome patients. Meaning, you may not realize how much exercise you have done, or when it is time to quit for the day. Any pain or fatigue that doesn't feel like your normal symptoms that you experience every day, might be a sign of you doing too much. If you feel abnormally fatigued or more than usual pain, then you should stop exercise until your symptoms decrease and then gradually start exercising again.

If you have any questions about exercise programs, you can ask your doctor, physical therapist, a fitness trainer, or any professional that is experienced in dealing with people with chronic pain and/or fatigue.


Times per week Intensity How long Type of exercise
1 Light 1 x 5 minutes or less Aerobic/Stretching
1 Light 1 x 5 minutes Aerobic/Stretching
2 Light 1 x 5 minutes Aerobic/Stretching
2 Light 2 x 5 minute sessions Aerobic/Stretching
2-3 Light 2 x 5 minute sessions Aerobic/Stretching
3 Light 1 x 5 minute session Aerobic/Stretching
3-4 Light 1 x 5 minute session Aerobic/Stretching
3-4 Light 2 x 5 minute sessions Aerobic/Stretching
3-4 Light 3 x 5 minute sessions Aerobic/Stretching
3-4 Light 2 x 10 minute sessions Aerobic/Stretching
3-4 Light 2 x 10 minute sessions
1 x 5 minute session
3-4 Light 3 x10 minute sessions Aerobic/Stretching
3-4 Light 2 x 15 minute sessions Aerobic/Stretching
3-4 Light 1 x 20 minute session
1 x 10 minute session
3-4 Light 1 x 25 minute session
1 x 5 minute session
3-4 Light 1 x 30 minute session Aerobic/Stretching

This document was developed by the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC)
VA-New Jersey Health Care System in East Orange, NJ
Last Updated February 05, 2005.