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Office of Academic Affiliations


Word document of Memorandum

Date: February 1, 2008

From: Acting Director, Associated Health Education (14),
Director, Advanced Fellowships (14)
Office of Academic Affiliations, VA Central Office, Washington, DC

Subj.: Instructions for Requesting a Third Year of Support in the Associated Health Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs and VA Special Fellowships for Academic Year (AY) 2008-2009

To: Directors, Associated Health Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs Directors, Advanced Fellowship Programs

1. Purpose. This memorandum provides Office of Academic Affiliations (OAA) instructions for requesting a third year of stipend support for a selected second year VA Fellow who can justify the VA benefit of supporting a third year of fellowship. A third year of support will be approved if the following three criteria are met: (1) OAA resources are available; (2) the request is compelling that the Fellow has been diligent in meeting the program goals to date; and (3) the Fellow has described reasons for requesting a third year of funding and appropriate plans for activities in the third year.

2. Instructions

a. Requests for support will be considered as they are received by the Office of Academic Affiliations and do not compete with one another for approval. Requests should be received at least 6 weeks prior to the requested start date of the third year of funding. For example, for funding to start July 1, 2008, requests are due into OAA by close of business May 14, 2008.

b. The request for a third year of fellowship funding should include the following:

(1) A letter from the Fellow that:

(a) justifies the request for a third year of funding support. Include issues such as reasons for delays in finishing the original fellowship plan, need for additional research based on outcomes from current research findings, or grant application and notification schedules.
(b) describes the Fellow's research, research accomplishments, the relevance of the research to VA, and research plans for the next year.
(c) lists the peer-reviewed manuscripts submitted, accepted, or published during the fellowship.
(d) lists presentations accepted, scheduled, or made at major meetings.
(e) describes the status of planned and completed grant submissions.
(f) lists courses taken during the first and second years of the fellowship and any planned for the third year. State whether a degree or certificate will be awarded.

(2) A copy of the Fellow's updated curriculum vitae.

(3) A letter from the Fellowship Director that:

(a) concurs with the information provided by the Fellow
(b) describes the value the Fellow added to the local VA and VISN in terms of research, education, clinical, and other contributions
(c) describes the balance of the Fellow's research and education versus service
(d) provides any other information relevant to OAA's decision regarding approval of the third year:

c. It is not necessary to send documents other than those listed in this memorandum.

3. Transmittal information. OAA prefers to receive documents electronically in a P.D.F. or Word Format. Scanned documents may be sent via VA's Outlook system if the message is appropriately encrypted, and should be addressed to:

Deborah Ludke ( for all physician and dentist fellows and associated health Fellows in HSR&D, Medical Informatics or War-Related Illnesses and Injuries.

Dr. Robert Zeiss ( for associated health fellows in Advanced Psychology in the MIRECCs, and Optometry Research.

If unable to submit electronically, you may send hard copies via an expedited delivery service to:

Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of Academic Affiliations (14)
810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20420

4. Questions. Please direct questions regarding associated health requests to Dr. Zeiss at or at 202.461.9493 and for physician/dentist requests to Dr. Gilman at or at 562.826.5323.


Robert A. Zeiss, Ph.D.

Stuart Gilman, M.D.