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      • Exposure Clinic for Veterans

Exposure Clinic

Are you a veteran concerned about the possible health effects you might have had during deployment or during your time in service, including potential exposure to?

  • Anthrax Vaccine
  • Depleted Uranium
  • Multiple Immunizations
  • Prophylactic Medications
  • Nerve Agents or their antidotes
  • Sandstorms
  • Soot from oil well fires
  • Air Pollution from burning trash
  • Jet Fuel, Solvents, Paints, Heavy Metals, etc.
  • The impact of exposures on family members

The War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC) at the East Orange VA Medical Center is pleased to announce a new clinic established to address veterans' deployment and service related exposure concerns. If you are concerned about environmental exposures, a consultation will be conducted for any potential exposures that may contribute to health problems. You can contact our center for an appointment or ask your VA primary care provider to refer you to the clinic for an evaluation.