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Congressional Record.

Senate Proceedings and Debates of the
66th Congress, 1st Session, 1919

July 28 – Aug. 23, Sept. 13 – Oct. 4, and Oct. 6 – 24

Selected pages from these proceedings include discussion of the courts martial process as well as the hearings held on that topic. Key letters that were submitted for the record are also included. Participants include Hon. George E. Chamberlain, Judge Advocate General Enoch H. Crowder, Gen. Samuel T. Ansell, and Senators Frank Brandegee, Gilbert Hitchcock, Irvine Lenroot, George Norris, James Reed, James Wadsworth, and James Watson.

For more information on the UCMJ Legislative History project, of which this document is only one part, and its sponsor, the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center & School Library, visit the main UCMJ page.

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Congressional Record

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  May 9, 2006
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