Fishery summary as of January 9, 2009 NMFS Alaska Region Inseason Management Juneau: Patty Britza 907 586 7376 Mary Furuness 907 586 7447 Josh Keaton 907 586 7519 Obren Davis 907 586 7241 Steve Whitney 907 586 7269 (Rockfish pilot program, Amendment 80) Kodiak: Tom Pearson 907 481 1780 Dutch Harbor: Brian Dixon 907 581 2062 Reports Look for the first 2009 catch reports starting January 12, 2009. The 2008/2009 final harvest specifications are in effect for 2009 until the final 2009/2010 harvest specifications become effective in late February or early March. The Council recommended the final 2009/2010 TAC amounts in December 2008. See Effort report (updated Tuesdays): Status of Fisheries reports: Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Pollock At their December meeting, the Council recommended the 2009 TAC for Bering Sea pollock as 815,000 mt. The 2009 pollock fishery begins January 20. NMFS decreased the current pollock TAC from 1,000,000 mt to 815,000 mt (see information bulletin 09-1). Pacific cod The Council recommended 2009 BSAI Pacific cod TAC is 176,540 mt. Hook-and-line, pot, and jig gear Pacific cod The 2009 hook-and-line (H&L), pot, and jig fisheries for Pacific cod opened January 1. During the 2008 A season 36 H&L CPs took 38,343 mt with a daily rate of about 1,000 mt. The highest weekly catch in the 2008 A season was the week ending January 12 at 8,164 mt. This fishery closed February 8 in 2008 and February 12 in 2007. The A season draft final specification allocation of hook-and-line CP Pacific cod is 42,609 mt. For the week ending January 3, 2009 the catch from 35 CPs was 3,385 mt compared to the January 5, 2008 catch of 5,630 mt. During the 2008 A season catcher vessels >= 60 ft using pot gear took 6,480 mt and closed January 18, 2008. A maximum of 39 vessels participated. Catch rates per vessel per week averaged 60 mt. The highest week ending period, January 12, took 2,874 mt. The highest 5 vessels averaged about 280 mt for the season with the overall average of 160 mt, indicating fairly variable catch or participation. The A season draft final specification allocation is 7,349 mt. For the week ending January 3, 2009 the catch from 3 CVs was 177 mt compared to the catch from 33 CVs for week ending January 5, 2008 of 1,471 mt. These CV are expected to participate in the crab fishery before Pacific cod. During the 2008 A season CPs using pot gear took 1,207 mt and closed January 20, 2008. Effort was higher than in previous years with 5 vessels participating. In 2009, 3 CPs are participating. The A season draft final specification allocation is 1,312 mt. For the week ending January 3, 2009 the catch from 3 CPs was 79 mt compared to the catch from 5 CVs for week ending January 5, 2008 of 299 mt. Trawl gear Pacific cod Trawl gear directed fisheries open at noon, A.l.t., January 20. Atka mackerel NMFS will establish HLA limits for the CDQ reserve and each of the three non-CDQ fishery categories as follows: the BSAI trawl limited access sector, the Amendment 80 limited access sector, and Amendment 80 cooperatives. NMFS will assign vessels in each of those three non-CDQ sectors that apply to fish for Atka mackerel in the HLA to an HLA fishery based on a random lottery for each sector of the vessels that apply. Each trawl sector will have a separate lottery. A maximum of two HLA fisheries will be established in Area 542 for the BSAI trawl limited access sector. In Area 543, there is no allocation of Atka mackerel or HLA fishery for the BSAI trawl limited access sector. Therefore, the lottery for the BSAI trawl limited access sector will not include Area 543. Flatfish and Aleutian Island Pacific ocean perch The trawl flatfish and POP fisheries open at noon, A.l.t., January 20th. Flathead sole and rock sole are allocated to the CDQ reserve, Amendment 80 limited access sector, and Amendment 80 cooperatives. Yellowfin sole is allocated to the CDQ reserve, BSAI trawl limited access sector, Amendment 80 limited access sector, and Amendment 80 cooperatives. POP is allocated to the CDQ reserve, BSAI trawl limited access sector, Amendment 80 limited access sector, and Amendment 80 cooperatives. Gulf of Alaska NMFS decreased the GOA pollock TAC from 78,170 mt to 49,900 mt and the Pacific cod TAC from 50,269 mt to 41,807 mt (see information bulletin 09-2). Pollock The GOA A season pollock fisheries open at noon, A.l.t., January 20th. The pollock fisheries are difficult to project. As we get closer to the opening, inseason management will work with industry to determine effort and management strategy. The A Season pollock TAC in 610 is 3,234 mt, 620 is 4,365 mt, and 630 is 2,503 mt. Based on historical catch information participation in the 620 pollock fishery is not expected until February. There is no projection at this time for a closure. NMFS expects most trawl effort to focus first on Pacific cod and then pollock. Pacific cod The directed fishery for Pacific cod by vessels using hook-and-line, pot, and jig gear opened January 1, 2009. Trawl gear opens at noon, A.l.t., January 20. In the Central GOA the A season inshore allocation is 12,767 mt and the offshore allocation is 1,418. For the inshore component, incidental catch in other directed fisheries requires between 1,500 and 2,000 mt. If catch rates are comparable to 2008, the fishery is expected to last into mid-February. In 2008 the A season fishery closed on February 20. However CPUE, weather, and effort can vary. In the Western GOA the A season inshore allocation is 8,735 mt and the offshore allocation is 970. For the inshore component 100 mt is necessary for incidental catch to support other fisheries. The closure date is expected around mid-February once the trawl vessels join the effort. In 2008 the A season fishery closed February 29. Rockfish pilot program (RPP) On March 1 of each year, LLP holders with rockfish quota share choose to join a cooperative, limited access fishery, or opt-out sectors of the RPP with their catch history. NMFS will post the allocations as soon as possible after March 1 at