Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest

News Release

Firewood Removal – Vendors List

USDA Forest Service
Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest

Contact: Tommy A. Days, Information Assistant 509-826-3275

July 18, 2008

Summertime Firewood Cutting

Summer is heating up and in Okanogan County that equates to an increased risk of wildland fire. Firewood cutters and others enjoying the National Forest are reminded to check in with the nearest Forest office before an outing to check for campfire, woodcutting, or other restrictions.

On Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest lands, Industrial Fire Precaution Levels (IFPL) are used to identify restrictions to commercial and woodcutting activities. These levels are reviewed on a daily basis during the forest fire season which is generally mid-June to mid-October. There are four Fire Precaution zones covering National Forest Lands in Okanogan County . The zones are based primarily on elevation, average rainfall and vegetation types. “At any given time, the zones can be under a different precaution level”, said Rick Lind, Fire Management Officer. “This allows for the low elevation grass lands to be under tighter restrictions than those higher elevation areas that may not have dried out yet”.

During fire season, all zones start out at Level 1. Under this level, fire precaution requirements are in effect, including a one-our fire watch following the use of power saws. From there the restrictions tighten, through partial hoot-owl, where powersaw use is prohibited in the afternoon and evening through to general shutdown which prohibits all operations. Details about IFPL requirements for each level are available at Forest Service offices and in the Firewood guide map. Calling 1-800-527-3305 will provide current industrial fire precaution levels for each zone. The zones are identified on the Firewood Removal Guide Map 2008/2009. Fire Precaution Levels are also posted on precaution signs at USFS offices.

Forest offices in Okanogan , Tonasket and Winthrop are staffed from 7:45-4:30 Monday through Friday. Firewood permits, information about firewood gathering areas and restrictions is available there. “oftentimes woodcutters can’t make it to the office during business hours”, said Tommy Days, Information Assistant in the Okanogan Valley Office. “For those folks we have set up firewood permit vendors. The vendors are open longer hours, including weekends and in many cases, they are open 24 hours 7 days a week.”

“An important thing for people to remember when purchasing their permit from a vendor is to request that Firewood Removal guide”, he said. “The removal guide has a lot of information in it about the requirements for firewood gathering and about industrial fire precaution levels.”

The following firewood permit vendors have been set up in Okanogan County : Carlton General Store, Conconully General Store, Salmon Creek Market, Okanogan Chevron, Oroville Prince’s Center, Tonasket The Junction, Twisp Chevron Food Mart, Hanks Harvest Foods, Hanks Mini Mart, Winthrop Pardners Mini Market.

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