Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge
Pacific Region

Get Involved

get involved includes:

Friends of the Refuge

Volunteer Program
Lending a Hand

The National Wildlife Refuge System is critically dependent on the lasting commitment and untiring effort of more than 20,000 people each year who volunteer their precious time to work on refuges around the country. They come from all walks of life and bring a wide diversity of talents and experience to the task.....biologists, birders, educators, artists, photographers, carpenters, plumbers, mechanics, secretaries, architects, planners, and many, many more. Sometimes they contribute from a distance, donating photographs, doing library research, drafting text for brochures, etc. More often you'll find them when you visit refuges, as they will be staffing visitor centers, leading tours, conducting bird censuses, rebuilding facilities or restoring habitat.

Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge has a modest, but evolving, volunteer program. At any time of year, between 2-4 volunteers are likely to be found on site. The volunteers participate in monitoring studies of seabirds and other wildlife, and assist in the control of noxious plants and the restoration of habitat.

Last updated: June 11, 2008

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