U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans

Exhibit 300 FY2009


In Part I, complete Sections A, B, C, and D for all capital assets (IT and non-IT). Complete Sections E and F for IT capital assets.

Section A: Overview (All Capital Assets)

The following series of questions are to be completed for all investments.

I. A. 1. Date of Submission:

I. A. 2. Agency:

I. A. 3. Bureau:

I. A. 4. Name of this Capital Asset:
(short text - 250 characters)
Combined Office Automation (EDUCATE) : Education Department Utility for Communications, Applications and Technical Environment (EDUCATE) formerly known as EDNet. NOTE: PROCUREMENT SENSITIVE Until Released. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Until Released.

I. A. 5. Unique Project (Investment) Identifier:
For IT investment only, see section 53. For all other, use agency ID system.

I. A. 6. What kind of investment will this be in FY2009?
Please NOTE: Investments moving to O&M in FY2009, with Planning/Acquisition activities prior to FY2009 should not select O&M. These investments should indicate their current status.
Operations and Maintenance

I. A. 7. What was the first budget year this investment was submitted to OMB?
FY2001 or earlier

I. A. 8. Provide a brief summary and justification for this investment, including a brief description of how this, closes in part or in whole, an identified agency performance gap:
(long text - 2500 characters)
Currently, IT infrastructure services at the Department of Education are supported through a multi-faceted contract (EDNet) that consists of a fixed price portion and specific vehicles involving both fixed priced projects and time and material activities. The Department will transition to a Contractor Owned-Contractor Operated (COCO) Managed IT infrastructure service model model to: 1) Source a contractor owned and contractor operated Managed Services IT Infrastructure that is Performance Based, and Firm Fixed Priced; 2) Improve ED's services to students and customers; 3) Enable ED to become a more effective business partner; 4) Reduce operational risk of ED's operations; 5) Improve the performance of ED's operations and the ability to measure that performance and establish accountability; 6) Resolve audit findings. The COCO Managed IT Infrastructure service model will provide the following Operational Services: 1. Security & Privacy Operations (SP); 2. Desktop Services (DS); 3. Helpdesk Support (HS); 4. Systems/Data Center Operations (SD); 5. E-Mail (EM); 6. Network Services / Telecommunications / Multimedia Services (NS) ; 7. Disaster Recovery (DR); 8. Special Services (SS); 9. Printer Services (PS) The EDUCATE scope encompasses the IT infrastructure optimization initiatives as defined by OMB's E-Gov Infrastructure Optimization Line of Business and fully supports the goals established by the President's Management Agenda (PMA) and the Federal Enterprise Architecture. Furthermore, funding for EDUCATE is also important because it provides a common technology platform for business applications (such as HSPD-12, IPv6 and others). The 21 investments in COA: 1)ccmMercury IT Equipment & Software; 2)Communications - Cell Phones/Blackberries; 3)Group Systems Hardware/Software Upgrades; 4)HQ IT Equipment Upgrades; 5)IT Services; 6)Labor for Installs, Moves, Additions, and Changes (IMAC); 7)NAGB IT Refresh; 8)OCO/OPA Webcasting; 9)ODS IT Equipment and Software; 10)Office Automation Acquisition; 11)OPEPD/BS IT Equipment and Software; 12)OPEPD/PPSS IT Equipment and Software; 13)OS Cell Phones and BlackBerrys; 14)OS IT Equipment and Software; 15)OS/WHITCU IT Equipment and Software; 16)OUS/IT Equipment and Software; 17)Regional IT Equipment Upgrades; 18) Telecommunications; 19)OSERS-Office Automation Acquisition; 20)OPEPD-OPEPD-PIMS IT Equipment and Software (S&E Funded) 21)OS- Secretary's Conf Room Upgrades (SBC)

I. A. 9. Did the Agency's Executive/Investment Committee approve this request?

I. A. 9. a. If "yes," what was the date of this approval?

I. A. 10. Did the Project Manager review this Exhibit?

I. A. 11. Contact information of Project Manager

(short text - 250 characters)

Phone Number
(short text - 250 characters)

(short text - 250 characters)

I. A. 11. a. What is the current FAC-P/PM certification level of the project/program manager?

I. A. 12. Has the agency developed and/or promoted cost effective, energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable techniques or practices for this project?

I. A. 12. a. Will this investment include electronic assets (including computers)?

I. A. 12. b. Is this investment for new construction or major retrofit of a Federal building or facility? (answer applicable to non-IT assets only)

I. A. 12. b. 1. If "yes," is an ESPC or UESC being used to help fund this investment?

I. A. 12. b. 2. If "yes," will this investment meet sustainable design principles?

I. A. 12. b. 3. If "yes," is it designed to be 30% more energy efficient than relevant code?

I. A. 13. Does this investment directly support one of the PMA initiatives?

I. A. 13. a. If "yes," check all that apply:
Human Capital
Financial Performance
Expanded E-Government
Competitive Sourcing
Eliminating Improper Payments

I. A. 13. b. Briefly and specifically describe for each selected how this asset directly supports the identified initiative(s)? (e.g. If E-Gov is selected, is it an approved shared service provider or the managing partner?)
(medium text - 500 characters)
EDUCATE formerly known as EDNet is an eGov service that is an enterprise-wide IT platform by which ED offers services at lower cost to meet high public demand. This technical infrastructure delivers core services to internal & external customers employing economies of scale while providing common enabling services for decision-making, financial benefits, customer service, fulfilling external requests, improved timeliness with reduced cycle time while reducing cost to the department.

I. A. 14. Does this investment support a program assessed using the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART)? (For more information about the PART, visit www.whitehouse.gov/omb/part.)

I. A. 14. a. If "yes," does this investment address a weakness found during the PART review?

I. A. 14. b. If "yes," what is the name of the PARTed Program?
(short text - 250 characters)

I. A. 14. c. If "yes," what PART rating did it receive?

I. A. 15. Is this investment for information technology?

I. A. 16. What is the level of the IT Project? (per CIO Council PM Guidance)
Level 1 - Projects with low-to-moderate complexity and risk. Example: Bureau-level project such as a stand-alone information system that has low- to-moderate complexity and risk.
Level 2 - Projects with high complexity and/or risk which are critical to the mission of the organization. Examples: Projects that are part of a portfolio of projects/systems that impact each other and/or impact mission activities. Department-wide projects that impact cross-organizational missions, such as an agency-wide system integration that includes large scale Enterprise Resource Planning (e.g., the DoD Business Mgmt Modernization Program).
Level 3 - Projects that have high complexity, and/or risk, and have government-wide impact. Examples: Government-wide initiative (E-GOV, President's Management Agenda). High interest projects with Congress, GAO, OMB, or the general public. Cross-cutting initiative (Homeland Security).

Level 3

I. A. 17. What project management qualifications does the Project Manager have? (per CIO Council's PM Guidance):
(1) Project manager has been validated as qualified for this investment;(2) Project manager qualification is under review for this investment;(3) Project manager assigned to investment, but does not meet requirements;(4) Project manager assigned but qualification status review has not yet started;(5) No Project manager has yet been assigned to this investment
(1) Project manager has been validated as qualified for this investment

I. A. 18. Is this investment identified as "high risk" on the Q4-FY 2007 agency high risk report (per OMB Memorandum M-05-23)?

I. A. 19. Is this a financial management system?

I. A. 19. a. If "yes," does this investment address a FFMIA compliance area?

I. A. 19. a. 1. If "yes," which compliance area
(short text - 250 characters)

I. A. 19. a. 2. If "no," what does it address?
(medium text - 500 characters)

I. A. 19. b. If "yes," please identify the system name(s) and system acronym(s) as reported in the most recent financial systems inventory update required by Circular A-11 section 52
(long text - 2500 characters)

I. A. 20. What is the percentage breakout for the total FY2009 funding request for the following? (This should total 100%)

I. A. 20. a. Hardware

I. A. 20. b. Software

I. A. 20. c. Services

I. A. 20. d. Other

I. A. 21. If this project produces information dissemination products for the public, are these products published to the Internet in conformance with OMB Memorandum 05-04 and included in your agency inventory, schedules and priorities?

I. A. 22. Contact information of individual responsible for privacy related questions:

I. A. 22. a. Name
(short text - 250 characters)

I. A. 22. b. Phone Number
(short text - 250 characters)

I. A. 22. c. Title
(short text - 250 characters)

I. A. 22. d. E-mail
(short text - 250 characters)

I. A. 23. Are the records produced by this investment appropriately scheduled with the National Archives and Records Administration's approval?

I. A. 24. Does this investment directly support one of the GAO High Risk Areas?
Question 24 must be answered by all Investments:

Section B: Summary of Spending (All Capital Assets)

I. B. 1. Provide the total estimated life-cycle cost for this investment by completing the following table. All amounts represent budget authority in millions, and are rounded to three decimal places. Federal personnel costs should be included only in the row designated "Government FTE Cost," and should be excluded from the amounts shown for "Planning," "Full Acquisition," and "Operation/Maintenance." The "TOTAL" estimated annual cost of the investment is the sum of costs for "Planning," "Full Acquisition," and "Operation/Maintenance." For Federal buildings and facilities, life-cycle costs should include long term energy, environmental, decommissioning, and/or restoration costs. The costs associated with the entire life-cycle of the investment should be included in this report.
Note: For the cross-agency investments, this table should include all funding (both managing and partner agencies).
Government FTE Costs should not be included as part of the TOTAL represented.

  PY-1 and Spending Prior to 2007 PY 2007 CY 2008 BY 2009 BY+1 2010 BY+2 2011 BY+3 2012 BY+4 2013 and Beyond
Planning 0.000 0.200 0.000 0.000        
Acquisition 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000        
Subtotal Planning & Acquisition                
Operations & Maintenance 38.356 36.495 52.154 52.154        
Government FTE Costs 1.116 1.147 1.202 1.259        
Number of FTE represented by cost 10 10 14 14        

I. B. 2. Will this project require the agency to hire additional FTE's?

I. B. 2. a. If "yes," How many and in what year?
(medium text - 500 characters)

I. B. 3. If the summary of spending has changed from the FY2008 President's budget request, briefly explain those changes.
(long text - 2500 characters)

Section C: Acquisition/Contract Strategy (All Capital Assets)

I. C. 1. Complete the table for all (including all non-Federal) contracts and/or task orders currently in place or planned for this investment. Total Value should include all option years for each contract. Contracts and/or task orders completed do not need to be included.
SIS - Share in Services contract; ESPC - Energy savings performance contract ; UESC - Utility energy efficiency service contract; EUL - Enhanced use lease contract; N/A - no alternative financing used.
(Character Limitations: Contract or Task Order Number - 250 Characters; Type of Contract/Task Order - 250 Characters; Name of CO - 250 Characters; CO Contact Information - 250 Characters)

  Type of Contract/Task Order Has the contract been awarded? If so what is the date of the award? If not, what is the planned award date? Start date of Contract/Task Order End date of Contract/Task Order Total Value of Contract/Task Order ($M) Is this an Interagency Acquisition? Is it performance based? Competitively awarded? What, if any, alternative financing option is being used? Is EVM in the contract? Does the contract include the required security & privacy clauses? Name of CO CO Contact Information (phone/email) Contracting officer certification level If N/A, has the agency determined the CO assigned has the competencies and skills necessary to support this aquistion?

I. C. 2. If earned value is not required or will not be a contract requirement for any of the contracts or task orders above, explain why:
(long text - 2500 characters)

I. C. 3. Do the contracts ensure Section 508 compliance?

I. C. 3. a. Explain Why:
(medium text - 500 characters)

I. C. 4. Is there an acquisition plan which has been approved in accordance with agency requirements?

I. C. 4. a. If "yes," what is the date?

I. C. 4. b. If "no," will an acquisition plan be developed?

I. C. 4. b. 1. If "no," briefly explain why:
(medium text - 500 characters)

Section D: Performance Information (All Capital Assets)

In order to successfully address this area of the exhibit 300, performance goals must be provided for the agency and be linked to the annual performance plan. The investment must discuss the agency's mission and strategic goals, and performance measures (indicators) must be provided. These goals need to map to the gap in the agency's strategic goals and objectives this investment is designed to fill. They are the internal and external performance benefits this investment is expected to deliver to the agency (e.g., improve efficiency by 60 percent, increase citizen participation by 300 percent a year to achieve an overall citizen participation rate of 75 percent by FY 2xxx, etc.). The goals must be clearly measurable investment outcomes, and if applicable, investment outputs. They do not include the completion date of the module, milestones, or investment, or general goals, such as, significant, better, improved that do not have a quantitative measure.

I. D. 1. Table 1. Performance Information Table
In order to successfully address this area of the exhibit 300, performance goals must be provided for the agency and be linked to the annual performance plan. The investment must discuss the agency's mission and strategic goals, and performance measures (indicators) must be provided. These goals need to map to the gap in the agency's strategic goals and objectives this investment is designed to fill. They are the internal and external performance benefits this investment is expected to deliver to the agency (e.g., improve efficiency by 60 percent, increase citizen participation by 300 percent a year to achieve an overall citizen participation rate of 75 percent by FY 2xxx, etc.). The goals must be clearly measurable investment outcomes, and if applicable, investment outputs. They do not include the completion date of the module, milestones, or investment, or general goals, such as, significant, better, improved that do not have a quantitative measure.

Agencies must use the following table to report performance goals and measures for the major investment and use the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Performance Reference Model (PRM). Map all Measurement Indicators to the corresponding "Measurement Area" and "Measurement Grouping" identified in the PRM. There should be at least one Measurement Indicator for each of the four different Measurement Areas (for each fiscal year). The PRM is available at www.egov.gov. The table can be extended to include performance measures for years beyond FY 2009.

  Strategic Goal(s) Supported Measurement Area Measurement Grouping Measurement Indicator Baseline Target Actual Results
2008 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Obejctive 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Mission and Business Results Disaster Preparedness and Planning Managed DR Services (Hot Services) 100% & immediate Maintain 100%" TBD
2008 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Mission and Business Results Disaster Preparedness and Planning Managed DR Services (Disaster & Recovery Testing) 100% Maintain 100%" TBD
2008 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability Electronic Messaging Services Availability 99.60% Maintain 99.60% TBD
2008 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability General Availability 99.60% Maintain 99.60% TBD
2008 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Processes and Activities Service Efficiency RCA Delivery 99.90% delivered within the specified time Maintain 99.90% TBD
2008 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability Managed Network Services Availability Latency 120 ms Maintain Latency 120 ms TBD
2008 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability Network Services Availability 99.60% Maintain 99.60% TBD
2008 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Processes and Activities Reliability Deployment of Server Updates 100 % Maintain 100 % TBD
2008 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability ISP Hosting Services Availability 99.6% availability Maintain 99.6% availability TBD
2008 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability ED.gov Services Availability 99.9% availability Maintain 99.9% availability TBD
2008 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability connectED Services Availability 99.6% availability Maintain 99.6% availability TBD
2008 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Mission and Business Results Disaster Monitoring and Prediction Intrusion Detection/Protection Monitoring/Log Analysis 99.9% detection & prevention Maintain 99.9% detection & prevention TBD
2008 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Processes and Activities Disaster Preparedness and Planning Enterprise Vulnerability Management Service/Analysis/Remediation Recommendations 99.9% Successful Remediation Maintain 99.9% Successful Remediation TBD
2009 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Mission and Business Results Disaster Preparedness and Planning Managed DR Services (Hot Services) 100% & immediate Maintain 100% & immediate TBD
2009 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Mission and Business Results Disaster Preparedness and Planning Managed DR Services (Disaster & Recovery Testing) 100% Maintain 100% TBD
2009 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability Electronic Messaging Services Availability 99.60% Maintain 99.60% TBD
2009 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability General Availability 99.60% Maintain 99.60% TBD
2009 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Processes and Activities Service Efficiency RCA Delivery 99.90% delivered within the agreed upon time Maintain 99.90 TBD
2009 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability Managed Network Services Availability Latency 120 ms Maintain Latency 120 ms TBD
2009 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability Network Services Availability 99.60% Maintain 99.60% TBD
2009 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Processes and Activities Reliability Deployment of Server Updates 100% Maintain 100% TBD
2009 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability ISP Hosting Services Availability 99.6% Availability Maintain 99.6% Availability TBD
2009 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability ED.gov Services Availability100 % currency maintained on all items listed in the ED Services Catalog. 99.9% Availability Maintain 99.9% Availability TBD
2009 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability connectED Services Availability 99.6% availability Maintain 99.6% availability TBD
2009 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Mission and Business Results Disaster Repair and Restore Incident Response and Problem Management 100% Response within the rquirement Maintain 100% TBD
2009 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Mission and Business Results Disaster Monitoring and Prediction Intrusion Detection/Protection Monitoring/Log Analysis 99.9% detection & prevention Maintain 99.9% detection & prevention TBD
2009 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Processes and Activities Disaster Preparedness and Planning Enterprise Vulnerability Management Service/Analysis/Remediation Recommendations 99.9% successful remediation Maintain 99.9% successful remediation TBD
2010 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Mission and Business Results Disaster Preparedness and Planning Managed DR Services (Hot Services) 100% & immediate Maintain 100% and immediate TBD
2010 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Mission and Business Results Disaster Preparedness and Planning Managed DR Services (Disaster & Recovery Testing) 100% Maintain 100% TBD
2010 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability Electronic Messaging Services Availability 99.60% Maintain 99.60% TBD
2010 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability General Availability 99.60% Maintain 99.60% TBD
2010 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Processes and Activities Service Efficiency RCA Delivery 99.90% delivered within the specified time Maintain 99.90% TBD
2010 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability ISP Hosting Services Availability 99.6% availability Maintain 99.6% availability TBD
2010 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability ED.gov Services Availability 99.9% availability Maintain 99.9% availability TBD
2010 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability connectED Services Availability 99.6% availability Maintain 99.6% availability TBD
2010 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Mission and Business Results Disaster Repair and Restore Incident Response and Problem Management 100% Response within the required time Maintain 100% TBD
2010 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Mission and Business Results Disaster Monitoring and Prediction Intrusion Detection/Protection Monitoring/Log Analysis 99.9% detection & prevention Maintain 99.9% TBD
2010 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Processes and Activities Disaster Preparedness and Planning Enterprise Vulnerability Management Service/Analysis/Remediation Recommendations 99.9% successful remediation Maintain 99.9% TBD
2007 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Customer Results Delivery Time Priority 1 Customer Support 95% 99% 98.23%
2007 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Customer Results Delivery Time Priority 2 Customer Support 98.88% 95% 98.33%
2007 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Customer Results Delivery Time Priority 3 Customer Support 98.32% 90% 99.80%
2007 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Mission and Business Results Corrective Action Network Availability during core hours 99.00% 99.60% 100%
2007 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Mission and Business Results Information Management Messaging Availability (Outlook) 99.00% 99.00% 99.98%
2007 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Processes and Activities Efficiency Timeliness of Backups Performed 97.40% 96% 99.87%
2007 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Processes and Activities Efficiency Notification of Issues & Security Notification 98.8 100% 100%
2007 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability Server Availability During Core Hours 99.00% 99.60% 100%
2007 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability Virus Penetrations of Network 100% 100% 100%
2008 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Mission and Business Results Disaster Repair and Restore Incident Response and Problem Management 100% within the specified timeframe 100% TBD
2010 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability Managed Network Services Latency 120 ms Maintain Latency 120 ms TBD
2010 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability Network Services Availability 99.60% Maintain 99.60% TBD
2010 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Processes and Activities Reliability Deployment of Server Updates 100% Maintain 100% TBD
2006 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Customer Results Delivery Time Priority 1 Customer Support 95% 99% 80.33%
2006 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Customer Results Delivery Time Priority 2 Customer Support 88.88% 95% 34.67%
2006 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Customer Results Delivery Time Priority 3 Customer Support 98.32% 90% 92.67%
2006 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Mission and Business Results Corrective Action Network Availability during core hours 99.00% 99.6% 100.00%
2006 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Mission and Business Results Information Management Messaging Availability (Outlook) 99.00% 99.00% 99.99%
2006 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Processes and Activities Efficiency Timeliness of Backups Performed 97.4 % 96% 99.87%
2006 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Processes and Activities Efficiency Notification of Issues & Security Notification 98.8% 100% 100%
2006 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability Server Availability During Core Hours 99.00% 99.6% 100%
2006 Cross-goal Strategy on Management: Objective 1: Maintain and strengthen financial integrity and management and internal controls. Technology Availability Virus Penetrations of Network 100% 100% 100%

Section E: Security and Privacy (IT Capital Assets only)

In order to successfully address this area of the business case, each question below must be answered at the system/application level, not at a program or agency level. Systems supporting this investment on the planning and operational systems security tables should match the systems on the privacy table below. Systems on the Operational Security Table must be included on your agency FISMA system inventory and should be easily referenced in the inventory (i.e., should use the same name or identifier).

For existing Mixed-Life Cycle investments where enhancement, development, and/or modernization is planned, include the investment in both the "Systems in Planning" table (Table 3) and the "Operational Systems" table (Table 4). Systems which are already operational, but have enhancement, development, and/or modernization activity, should be included in both Table 3 and Table 4. Table 3 should reflect the planned date for the system changes to be complete and operational, and the planned date for the associated C&A update. Table 4 should reflect the current status of the requirements listed. In this context, information contained within Table 3 should characterize what updates to testing and documentation will occur before implementing the enhancements; and Table 4 should characterize the current state of the materials associated with the existing system.

All systems listed in the two security tables should be identified in the privacy table. The list of systems in the "Name of System" column of the privacy table (Table 8) should match the systems listed in columns titled "Name of System" in the security tables (Tables 3 and 4). For the Privacy table, it is possible that there may not be a one-to-one ratio between the list of systems and the related privacy documents. For example, one PIA could cover multiple systems. If this is the case, a working link to the PIA may be listed in column (d) of the privacy table more than once (for each system covered by the PIA).

I. E. 1. Have the IT security costs for the system(s) been identified and integrated into the overall costs of the investment?

I. E. 1. a. If "yes," provide the "Percentage IT Security" for the budget year:

I. E. 2. Is identifying and assessing security and privacy risks a part of the overall risk management effort for each system supporting or part of this investment?

I. E. 3. Systems in Planning and Undergoing Enhancement(s) – Security Table:
The questions asking whether there is a PIA which covers the system and whether a SORN is required for the system are discrete from the narrative fields. The narrative column provides an opportunity for free text explanation why a working link is not provided. For example, a SORN may be required for the system, but the system is not yet operational. In this circumstance, answer "yes" for column (e) and in the narrative in column (f), explain that because the system is not operational the SORN is not yet required to be published.

  Agency/or Contractor Operated System Planned Operational Date Date of Planned C & A update (for existing mixed life cycle systems) or Planned Completion Date (for new systems)

I. E. 4. Operational Systems - Security:

  Agency/or contractor Operated System? NIST FIPS 199 Risk Impact level (High, Moderate, Low) Has C & A been Completed, using NIST 800-37? (Y/N) Date Completed: C & A What standards were used for the Security Controls tests? (FIPS 200/NIST 800-53, Other, N/A) Date Completed: Security Control Testing Date the contingency plan tested

I. E. 5. Have any weaknesses related to any of the systems part of or supporting this investment been identified by the agency or IG?

I. E. 5. a. If "yes," have those weaknesses been incorporated into the agency's plan of action and milestone process?

I. E. 6. Indicate whether an increase in IT security funding is requested to remediate IT security weaknesses?

I. E. 6. a. If "yes," specify the amount, provide a general description of the weakness, and explain how the funding request will remediate the weakness.
(long text - 2500 characters)

I. E. 7. How are contractor security procedures monitored, verified, and validated by the agency for the contractor systems above?
(long text - 2500 characters)

I. E. 8. Planning & Operational Systems - Privacy Table:
Details for Text Options:
Column (d): If yes to (c), provide the link(s) to the publicly posted PIA(s) with which this system is associated. If no to (c), provide an explanation why the PIA has not been publicly posted or why the PIA has not been conducted.

Column (f): If yes to (e), provide the link(s) to where the current and up to date SORN(s) is published in the federal register. If no to (e), provide an explanation why the SORN has not been published or why there isn't a current and up to date SORN.

Note: Links must be provided to specific documents not general privacy websites.

  (b) Is this a new system? (Y/N) (c) Is there a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) that covers this system? (Y/N) (d) Internet Link or Explanation (e) Is a System of Records Notice (SORN) required for this system? (Y/N) (f) Internet Link or Explanation

Section F: Enterprise Architecture (EA) (IT Capital Assets only)

In order to successfully address this area of the business case and capital asset plan you must ensure the investment is included in the agency's EA and Capital Planning and Invesment Control (CPIC) process, and is mapped to and supports the FEA. You must also ensure the business case demonstrates the relationship between the investment and the business, performance, data, services, application, and technology layers of the agency's EA.

I. F. 1. Is this investment included in your agency's target enterprise architecture?

I. F. 1. a. If "no," please explain why?
(long text - 2500 characters)

I. F. 2. Is this investment included in the agency's EA Transition Strategy?

I. F. 2. a. If "yes," provide the investment name as identified in the Transition Strategy provided in the agency's most recent annual EA Assessment.
(medium text - 500 characters)

I. F. 2. b. If "no," please explain why?
(long text - 2500 characters)

I. F. 3. Is this investment identified in a completed (contains a target architecture) and approved segment architecture?

I. F. 3. a. If "yes," provide the name of the segment architecture.
(medium text - 500 characters)
"Infrastructure and Optimization Initiative (IOI)".

I. F. 4. Service Component Reference Model (SRM) Table :
Identify the service components funded by this major IT investment (e.g., knowledge management, content management, customer relationship management, etc.). Provide this information in the format of the following table. For detailed guidance regarding components, please refer to http://www.egov.gov.

a. Use existing SRM Components or identify as "NEW". A "NEW" component is one not already identified as a service component in the FEA SRM.
b. A reused component is one being funded by another investment, but being used by this investment. Rather than answer yes or no, identify the reused service component funded by the other investment and identify the other investment using the Unique Project Identifier (UPI) code from the OMB Ex 300 or Ex 53 submission.
c. 'Internal' reuse is within an agency. For example, one agency within a department is reusing a service component provided by another agency within the same department. 'External' reuse is one agency within a department reusing a service component provided by another agency in another department. A good example of this is an E-Gov initiative service being reused by multiple organizations across the federal government.
d. Please provide the percentage of the BY requested funding amount used for each service component listed in the table. If external, provide the percentage of the BY requested funding amount transferred to another agency to pay for the service. The percentages in this column can, but are not required to, add up to 100%.

  Agency Component Description FEA SRM Service Type FEA SRM Component (a) Service Component Reused - Component Name (b) Service Component Reused - UPI (b) Internal or External Reuse? (c) BY Funding Percentage (d)
Desktop Services (DS) Consists of a suite of core applications and office automation tools which shall be applied to all user workstations Asset / Materials Management Asset Cataloging / Identification     No Reuse 2
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Asset / Materials Management Asset Cataloging / Identification     No Reuse 1
Desktop Services (DS) Consists of a suite of core applications and office automation tools which shall be applied to all user workstations Asset / Materials Management Computers / Automation Management     No Reuse 2
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Asset / Materials Management Computers / Automation Management     No Reuse 1
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Asset / Materials Management Facilities Management     No Reuse 1
Desktop Services (DS) Consists of a suite of core applications and office automation tools which shall be applied to all user workstations Asset / Materials Management Asset Transfer, Allocation, and Maintenance     No Reuse 2
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Asset / Materials Management Asset Transfer, Allocation, and Maintenance     No Reuse 1
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Asset / Materials Management Asset Transfer, Allocation, and Maintenance     No Reuse 2
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Data Management Data Recovery     No Reuse 1
Disaster Recovery (DR) Services to support Disaster Recovery, Continuity of Operations, and IT/Network emergency backup Data Management Data Recovery     No Reuse 2
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Data Management Loading and Archiving     No Reuse 1
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Development and Integration Enterprise Application Integration     No Reuse 1
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Development and Integration Legacy Integration     No Reuse 1
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Development and Integration Instrumentation and Testing     No Reuse 1
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Data Management Extraction and Transformation     No Reuse 1
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Data Management Data Cleansing     No Reuse 1
Helpdesk Support (HS) Media agnostic Helpdesk service, equipment and software Customer Initiated Assistance Assistance Request     No Reuse 1
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Customer Initiated Assistance Assistance Request     No Reuse 1
Desktop Services (DS) Consists of a suite of core applications and office automation tools which shall be applied to all user workstations Customer Initiated Assistance Assistance Request     No Reuse 2
Helpdesk Support (HS) Media agnostic Helpdesk service, equipment and software Customer Relationship Management Call Center Management     No Reuse 0
Helpdesk Support (HS) Media agnostic Helpdesk service, equipment and software Customer Relationship Management Customer / Account Management     No Reuse 0
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Customer Relationship Management Customer / Account Management     No Reuse 1
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Customer Relationship Management Customer / Account Management     No Reuse 2
Helpdesk Support (HS) Media agnostic Helpdesk service, equipment and software Customer Relationship Management Contact and Profile Management     No Reuse 0
Helpdesk Support (HS) Media agnostic Helpdesk service, equipment and software Customer Relationship Management Customer Feedback     No Reuse 0
Helpdesk Support (HS) Media agnostic Helpdesk service, equipment and software Customer Relationship Management Surveys     No Reuse 0
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Customer Preferences Alerts and Notifications     No Reuse 2
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Customer Initiated Assistance Scheduling     No Reuse 2
Helpdesk Support (HS) Media agnostic Helpdesk service, equipment and software Customer Initiated Assistance Scheduling     No Reuse 0
Desktop Services (DS) Consists of a suite of core applications and office automation tools which shall be applied to all user workstations Customer Initiated Assistance Scheduling     No Reuse 3
Printer Services (PS) Printer Services including installation, repair, disposal, networking, and supplies Customer Initiated Assistance Scheduling     No Reuse 0
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Customer Relationship Management Scheduling     No Reuse 1
Helpdesk Support (HS) Media agnostic Helpdesk service, equipment and software Tracking and Workflow Case Management     No Reuse 0
Desktop Services (DS) Consists of a suite of core applications and office automation tools which shall be applied to all user workstations Management of Processes Change Management     No Reuse 3
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Management of Processes Change Management     No Reuse 2
Desktop Services (DS) Consists of a suite of core applications and office automation tools which shall be applied to all user workstations Management of Processes Configuration Management     No Reuse 3
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Management of Processes Configuration Management     No Reuse 2
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Management of Processes Configuration Management     No Reuse 1
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Management of Processes Quality Management     No Reuse 2
Helpdesk Support (HS) Media agnostic Helpdesk service, equipment and software Management of Processes Quality Management     No Reuse 0
Disaster Recovery (DR) Services to support Disaster Recovery, Continuity of Operations, and IT/Network emergency backup Management of Processes Risk Management     No Reuse 2
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Management of Processes Risk Management     No Reuse 2
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Organizational Management Network Management     No Reuse 2
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Visualization Multimedia     No Reuse 2
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Knowledge Discovery Modeling     No Reuse 2
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Reporting Standardized / Canned     No Reuse 2
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Reporting Standardized / Canned     No Reuse 1
Security and Privacy Operations (SP) Continuous real-time even monitoring and incident management Security Management Intrusion Detection     No Reuse 3
Security and Privacy Operations (SP) Continuous real-time even monitoring and incident management Security Management Audit Trail Capture and Analysis     No Reuse 3
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Security Management Access Control     No Reuse 2
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Security Management Access Control     No Reuse 1
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Security Management Identification and Authentication     No Reuse 2
Security and Privacy Operations (SP) Continuous real-time even monitoring and incident management Security Management Digital Signature Management     No Reuse 3
E-Mail (EM) Stable enterprise e-mail system providing standard mailbox features Collaboration Email     No Reuse 1
E-Mail (EM) Stable enterprise e-mail system providing standard mailbox features Collaboration Shared Calendaring     No Reuse 0
E-Mail (EM) Stable enterprise e-mail system providing standard mailbox features Collaboration Task Management     No Reuse 0
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Communication Audio Conferencing     No Reuse 2
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Communication Event / News Management     No Reuse 2
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Communication Computer / Telephony Integration     No Reuse 2
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Communication Video Conferencing     No Reuse 2
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Communication Voice Communications     No Reuse 2
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Systems Management License Management     No Reuse 0
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Systems Management License Management     No Reuse 2
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Information and communications technology infrastructure (voice, video, data solutions, multimedia services) Systems Management Remote Systems Control     No Reuse 3
Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Network Services/Telecommunications/Multimedia Services Systems Management System Resource Monitoring     No Reuse 3
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Data Centers to support the ED IT Infrastructure and its associated assets Systems Management System Resource Monitoring     No Reuse 0
Desktop Services (DS) Consists of a suite of core applications and office automation tools which shall be applied to all user workstations Systems Management Software Distribution     No Reuse 3
Helpdesk Support (HS) Media agnostic Helpdesk service, equipment and software Systems Management Issue Tracking     No Reuse 3

I. F. 5. Table 1. Technical Reference Model (TRM) Table:
To demonstrate how this major IT investment aligns with the FEA Technical Reference Model (TRM), please list the Service Areas, Categories, Standards, and Service Specifications supporting this IT investment.

a. Service Components identified in the previous question should be entered in this column. Please enter multiple rows for FEA SRM Components supported by multiple TRM Service Specifications
b. In the Service Specification field, agencies should provide information on the specified technical standard or vendor product mapped to the FEA TRM Service Standard, including model or version numbers, as appropriate.

  FEA TRM Service Area FEA TRM Service Category FEA TRM Service Standard Service Specification (i.e., vendor and product name)
Call Center Management Component Framework Data Management Reporting and Analysis Contractor-provided Call Center Management application
Data Exchange Component Framework Data Management Database Connectivity Open Database Connectivity (ODBC); Microsoft SQL Server; Oracle SQL Net
Network Management Component Framework Security Certificates / Digital Signatures Secure Sockets Layer (SSL); ITU-T X.509 standards
Network Management Component Framework Security Supporting Security Services Transport Layer Security (TLS); Secure Shell (SSH); Web Services Security (WS Security)
Email Service Access and Delivery Access Channels Collaboration / Communications Microsoft Exchange Server; BlackBerry Enterprise Server; METAmessage Conversion Server
Network Management Service Access and Delivery Access Channels Other Electronic Channels Web Service and URL
Network Management Service Access and Delivery Delivery Channels Intranet Microsoft Windows Server
Network Management Service Access and Delivery Service Requirements Authentication / Single Sign-on Microsoft Active Directory; IBM Tivoli Identity Manager, Federal Identity Manager, Tivoli IBM Directory Integrator
Network Management Service Access and Delivery Service Requirements Legislative / Compliance Section 508
Network Management Service Access and Delivery Service Transport Service Transport Transmission Control Protocol (TCP); Internet Protocol (IP); HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP); HTTP Secure (HTTPS); Wireless Application Protocol (WAP); File Transfer Protocol (FTP); IP Security (IPSec)
Network Management Service Access and Delivery Service Transport Supporting Network Services Microsoft Internet Information Server; IMAP/POP3; MIME; SMTP; T.120; H.323 (IP); H.320 (ISDN); SNMP; LDAP; DHCP; X.500; X.400; BGP; DNS
Network Management Service Interface and Integration Interoperability Data Format / Classification eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
Network Management Service Interface and Integration Interoperability Data Transformation eXtensible Stylesheet Language
Data Recovery Service Platform and Infrastructure Database / Storage Storage EMC Symmetrix NAS/HP SAN/StorageWorks Storage Arrays
Network Management Service Platform and Infrastructure Delivery Servers Application Servers Macromedia Cold Fusion MX (Web App Dev); Lsoft ListServ (Email List Management); Verity Content Classification Engine; Microsoft Internet Information Services
Network Management Service Platform and Infrastructure Delivery Servers Application Servers Microsoft Windows Server; erwoven Teamsite Server; OpenDeploy Server; Templating and Development Suite (Content Management); Verity Ultraseek (Spider & Search); Elsop LinkScan (Link Validation and Error Checking); Urchin (Web Log An
Multimedia Service Platform and Infrastructure Delivery Servers Media Servers Microsoft Windows Server; Real Audio; RealNetworks Helix Universal Server (Streaming Media)
Email Service Access and Delivery Delivery Channels Internet Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA)
Voice Communications Service Access and Delivery Access Channels Wireless / PDA BlackBerry smartphones; cellular phones
Computer / Telephony Integration Service Access and Delivery Access Channels Collaboration / Communications IP Telephony including: IP Private Branch Exchange (PBX); Automated Call Distribution (ACD); Interactive Voice Response (IVR); PC-based Softphones, Telephony Application Program Interface (TAPI)
Audio Conferencing Service Access and Delivery Access Channels Collaboration / Communications IP Telephony
Voice Communications Service Access and Delivery Access Channels Collaboration / Communications Desktop phones including: IP-based phones, IP-based softphones, analog phones, ISDN phones. Mobile phones including BlackBerry smartphones and cell phones.
Network Management Service Platform and Infrastructure Hardware / Infrastructure Network Devices / Standards Switch; Router; Firewall; Network Interface Card (NIC); Gateway; T1/DS3/OC3; VPN Concentrator; RADIUS; TACACS
Video Conferencing Service Platform and Infrastructure Hardware / Infrastructure Video Conferencing Multipoint Conference Unit (MCU); Bridges; H.323-to-H.320 Gateways; Codecs

I. F. 6. Will the application leverage existing components and/or applications across the Government (i.e., FirstGov, Pay.Gov, etc)?

I. F. 6. a. If "yes," please describe.
(long text - 2500 characters)
EDUCATE will leverage government wide common solutions from the Infrastructure optimization LoB.


Part II should be completed only for investments identified as "Planning" or "Full Acquisition," or "Mixed Life-Cycle" investments in response to Question 6 in Part I, Section A above

Section A: Alternatives Analysis (All Capital Assets)

In selecting the best capital asset, you should identify and consider at least three viable alternatives, in addition to the current baseline, i.e., the status quo. Use OMB Circular A-94 for all investments and the Clinger Cohen Act of 1996 for IT investments to determine the criteria you should use in your Benefit/Cost Analysis.

II. A. 1. Did you conduct an alternatives analysis for this project?

II. A. 1. a. If "yes," provide the date the analysis was completed?

II. A. 1. b. If "no," what is the anticipated date this analysis will be completed?

II. A. 1. c. If no analysis is planned, please briefly explain why:
(medium text - 500 characters)

II. A. 2. Use the results of your alternatives analysis to complete the following table:
(Character Limitations: Alternative Analyzed - 250 characters; Description of Alternative - 500 Characters)

  Description of Alternative Risk Lifecycle Cost Estimate Risk Lifecycle Benefits Estimate
Alternative #1: COCO 100% Contractor Maintained with w/Single Prime Contractor owning HW/SW w/Gov't PMs oversight Single Prime Contractor maintains EDUCATE. Partial responsibility resides with the contractor in this COCO model with oversight provided by OCIO. Minimal risk associated with this alternative. Contract is firm-fixed price.    
Alternative #2: COCO 100% Contractor Maintained with Multiple Prime Contractors owning HW&SW w/Gov't PMs oversight Multiple Prime Contractors maintain EDUCATE. Overall responsibility resides with the contractor in this COCO model with oversight provided by OCIO. Minimal risk associated with this alternative. Contract is firm-fixed price.    
Alternative #3: GOCO 100% Single Prime Contractor Maintained with w/Gov't PMs oversight and the Government owning HW/SW Single Prime Contractor maintains EDUCATE. Partial responsibility resides with the contractor in services provided. Government responsible for all HW and SW. Medium risk associated with this alternative. Contract is firm-fixed price.    
Alternative #4: GOGO 100% Gov't Maintained with Gov't owning HW&SW This approach uses 100% government resources to maintain EDUCATE. This approach requires hiring and or training approximately 228 FTEs and shifts all risk on to the government. With this approach accommodations will have to be made for shift-worker required to operate EDUCATE 24X7.The government would likely incur additional costs for Subject Matter Experts to deal with infrastructure issues requiring ever-changing technical skills.    
Alternative #5: GOCO 100% Contractor Maintained with Multiple Prime Contractors w/Gov't PMs oversight and the Government owning HW/SW Multiple Prime Contractors maintain EDUCATE. Partial responsibility resides with the contractor in services provided. Government owning and responsible for all HW and SW. Medium risk associated with this alternative. Contract is firm-fixed price.    

II. A. 3. Which alternative was selected by the Agency's Executive/Investment Committee and why was it chosen?
(long text - 2500 characters)
Alternative #1: COCO with Single Prime Contractor was recommended. The EDUCATE alternative analysis is built on an assessment of the risks associated with each of the five principal IT environments (GOGO, GOCO multiple primes, GOCO single prime, COCO multiple primes and COCO single prime). The process was to assess each of OMB's 19 "risk areas" against cost and against EDUCATES? benefit values which then tie to the Federal CIO Council best practice VMM values, by assessing both the probability (likelihood) and magnitude (impact) of the risk. Multiplying the probability time the magnitude for each risk and then summing the results, yielded a risk factor, which was applied to cost estimates and benefit values generating a risk-adjusted cost and risk adjusted benefit value for each option. COCO single prime yielded the best most effective ratios of cost, benefit values, and risk.

II. A. 4. What specific qualitative benefits will be realized?
(long text - 2500 characters)
The contract is Firm-Fixed priced with an incentive/disincentive clause. COCO contracts encourage the contractor to perform at their optimal best to meet the performance standards set forth in the Service Level Agreements that triggers the yearly bonus in the incentive clause and increase profitability through effective consolidation and process improvement. Internal and external EDUCATE customers can expect the following:1) HW and SW refreshed on an ongoing basis, 2) improved customer service measured by customer surveys & 3) measurement of SLA performance standards. Management can expect the following: 1) private investment capital is utilized 2) Reduced environmental liability (contractor disposes of HW) 3) staff focused on mission critical performance measurement of SLA performance standards 4) economies of scale 5) risk is reduced for government 6) enhanced network performance for services provided are continually measured and incentive driven 7) cost avoidance for regulatory requirements like e-Discovery 8) Cost avoidance related to the anticipated reduction of requisitioning costs associated with processing over 400 requisitions annually 9) improvement in overall operational security costs.

II. A. 5. Will the selected alternative replace a legacy system in-part or in-whole?

II. A. 5. a. If "yes," are the migration costs associated with the migration to the selected alternative included in this investment, the legacy investment, or in a separate migration investment?

II. A. 5. b. Table 1. If "yes," please provide the following information:

  UPI if available Date of the System Retirement

Section B: Risk Management (All Capital Assets)

You should have performed a risk assessment during the early planning and initial concept phase of this investment's life-cycle, developed a risk-adjusted life-cycle cost estimate and a plan to eliminate, mitigate or manage risk, and be actively managing risk throughout the investment's life-cycle.

II. B. 1. Does the investment have a Risk Management Plan?

II. B. 1. a. If "yes," what is the date of the plan?

II. B. 1. b. Has the Risk Management Plan been significantly changed since last year's submission to OMB?

II. B. 1. c. If "yes," describe any significant changes:
(long text - 2500 characters)
Changes to the Risk Assessment\Management Plan (the 19 OMB Risk Categories) to respond to the EDUCATE procurement currently being undertaken at ED. Risk now have been added that take into account the new COCO Business Model.

II. B. 2. If there currently is no plan, will a plan be developed?

II. B. 2. a. If "yes," what is the planned completion date?

II. B. 2. b. If "no," what is the strategy for managing the risks?
(long text - 2500 characters)

II. B. 3. Briefly describe how investment risks are reflected in the life cycle cost estimate and investment schedule:
(long text - 2500 characters)
ED completed an analysis of the OMB risks. Each risk was assigned a score (low-high) for probability of occurrence and magnitude (low-high). A final score was derived and reflected in the alternative analysis document.

Section C: Cost and Schedule Performance (All Capital Assets)

EVM is required only on DME portions of investments. For mixed lifecycle investments, O&M milestones should still be included in the table (Comparison of Initial Baseline and Current Approved Baseline). This table should accurately reflect the milestones in the initial baseline, as well as milestones in the current baseline.

II. C. 1. Does the earned value management system meet the criteria in ANSI/EIA Standard - 748?

II. C. 2. Is the CV or SV greater than 10%?

II. C. 2. a. If "yes," was it the CV or SV or both ?

II. C. 2. b. If "yes," explain the causes of the variance:
(long text - 2500 characters)

II. C. 2. c. If "yes," describe the corrective actions:
(long text - 2500 characters)

II. C. 3. Has the investment re-baselined during the past fiscal year?

II. C. 3. a. If "yes," when was it approved by the agency head?

II. C. 4. Comparison of Initial Baseline and Current Approved Baseline
Complete the following table to compare actual performance against the current performance baseline and to the initial performance baseline. In the Current Baseline section, for all milestones listed, you should provide both the baseline and actual completion dates (e.g., "03/23/2003"/ "04/28/2004") and the baseline and actual total costs (in $ Millions). In the event that a milestone is not found in both the initial and current baseline, leave the associated cells blank. Note that the 'Description of Milestone' and 'Percent Complete' fields are required. Indicate '0' for any milestone no longer active. (Character Limitations: Description of Milestone - 500 characters)

  Initial Baseline - Planned Completion Date Initial Baseline - Total Cost Current Baseline - Planned Completion Date Current Baseline - Actual Completion Date Current Baseline - Planned Total Cost Current Baseline - Actual Total Cost Current Baseline Variance - Schedule Current Baseline Variance - Cost Percent Complete


Part III should be completed only for investments identified as "Operation and Maintenance" (Steady State) in response to Question 6 in Part I, Section A above.

Section A: Risk Management (All Capital Assets)

You should have performed a risk assessment during the early planning and initial concept phase of this investment's life-cycle, developed a risk-adjusted life-cycle cost estimate and a plan to eliminate, mitigate or manage risk, and be actively managing risk throughout the investment's life-cycle.

III. A. 1. Does the investment have a Risk Management Plan?

III. A. 1. a. If "yes," what is the date of the plan?

III. A. 1. b. Has the Risk Management Plan been significantly changed since last year's submission to OMB?

III. A. 1. c. If "yes," describe any significant changes:
(long text - 2500 characters)
Changes to the Risk Assessment\Management Plan (the 19 OMB Risk Categories) to respond to the EDUCATE procurement currently being undertaken at ED. Risk now have been added that take into account the new COCO Business Model.

III. A. 2. If there currently is no plan, will a plan be developed?

III. A. 2. a. If "yes," what is the planned completion date?

III. A. 2. b. If "no," what is the strategy for managing the risks?
(long text - 2500 characters)
The Department of Education is in the process and planning stage to conduct Operational Analysis in the next 6 months.

Section B: Cost and Schedule Performance (All Capital Assets)

III. B. 1. Was operational analysis conducted?

III. B. 1. a. If "yes," provide the date the analysis was completed.

III. B. 1. b. If "yes," what were the results?
(long text - 2500 characters)
An IG audit was conducted. As part of the corrective action plan, ED is recompeting EDNet as EDUCATE.

III. B. 1. c. If "no," please explain why it was not conducted and if there are any plans to conduct operational analysis in the future:
(long text - 2500 characters)
The Department of Education is in the process and planning stage to conduct Operational Analysis in the next 6 months.

III. B. 2. Complete the following table to compare actual cost performance against the planned cost performance baseline. Milestones reported may include specific individual scheduled preventative and predictable corrective maintenance activities, or may be the total of planned annual operation and maintenance efforts).

(Character Limitations: Description of Milestone - 250 Characters)

III. B. 2. a. What costs are included in the reported Cost/Schedule Performance information (Government Only/Contractor Only/Both)?
Contractor Only

III. B. 2. b. Comparison of Planned and Actual Cost

  Planned Completion Date Planned Total Cost Actual Completion Date Actual Total Cost Variance - Schedule Variance - Cost
Security & Privacy Operations (SP) Support 2008-09-30          
Desktop Services (DS) 2008-09-30          
Helpdesk Support (HS) 2008-09-30          
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) Support 2008-09-30          
E-Mail (EM) support 2008-09-30          
Network Services (NS)\Telecommunications\Multimedia Services (NS) Support 2008-09-30          
Disaster Recovery (DR) 2008-09-30          
Security & Privacy Operations (SP) Support 2009-09-30          
Desktop Services (DS) 2009-09-30          
Helpdesk Support (HS) 2009-09-30          
Systems/Data Center Operations (SD) 2009-09-30          
E-Mail (EM) Support 2009-09-30          
Network Services (NS)\Telecommunications\Multimedia Services (NS) Support 2009-09-30          
Disaster Recovery (DR) 2009-09-30          

PART IV: Planning For "Multi-Agency Collaboration" ONLY

Part IV should be completed only for investments identified as an E-Gov initiative, an Line of Business (LOB) Initiative, or a Multi-Agency Collaboration effort., selected the "Multi-Agency Collaboration" choice in response to Question 6 in Part I, Section A above. Investments identified as "Multi-Agency Collaboration" will complete only Parts I and IV of the exhibit 300.

Section A: Multi-Agency Collaboration Oversight (All Capital Assets)

Multi-agency Collaborations, such as E-Gov and LOB initiatives, should develop a joint exhibit 300.

IV. A. 1. Stakeholder Table
As a joint exhibit 300, please identify the agency stakeholders. Provide the partner agency and partner agency approval date for this joint exhibit 300.

  Joint exhibit approval date

IV. A. 2. Partner Capital Assets within this Investment
Provide the partnering strategies you are implementing with the participating agencies and organizations. Identify all partner agency capital assets supporting the common solution (section 300.7); Managing Partner capital assets should also be included in this joint exhibit 300. These capital assets should be included in the Summary of Spending table of Part I, Section B. All partner agency migration investments (section 53.4) should also be included in this table. Funding contributions/fee-for-service transfers should not be included in this table. (Partner Agency Asset UPIs should also appear on the Partner Agency's exhibit 53)

  Partner Agency Asset Title Partner Agency Exhibit 53 UPI

IV. A. 3. Partner Funding Strategies ($millions)
For jointly funded initiative activities, provide in the "Partner Funding Strategies Table": the name(s) of partner agencies; the UPI of the partner agency investments; and the partner agency contributions for CY and BY. Please indicate partner contribution amounts (in-kind contributions should also be included in this amount) and fee-for-service amounts. (Partner Agency Asset UPIs should also appear on the Partner Agency's exhibit 53. For non-IT fee-for-service amounts the Partner exhibit 53 UPI can be left blank) (IT migration investments should not be included in this table)

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