United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
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Frequently Asked Questions

Following are frequently asked questions answered by our medical experts.
Hepatitis C General
Transmission and Risk
Testing and Diagnosis
Daily Living
VA Information

Hepatitis C General

bulletWhat is hepatitis?
bulletHow common is hepatitis C?
bulletHow does hepatitis C progress?

Transmission and Risk

bulletHow is hepatitis C spread?
bulletCan you get hepatitis C from air gun vaccinations?
bulletCan I donate blood?
bulletHow likely am I to become infected with hepatitis C from a family member living in the same house?
bulletCan I get reinfected with hepatitis C?
bulletCan a man or woman who has hepatitis C still have children?

Testing and Diagnosis

bulletWhat are the tests for hepatitis C?
bulletIf I get tested for hepatitis C and the result is positive, do I need any other tests to be sure?
bulletWhat does high/low viral load mean?
bulletWhat is a biopsy?
bulletIs there a reason to have a liver biopsy done more than once?
bulletWhat are genotypes and what do they mean?
bulletWhat are the different types of blood tests? How often should I get these tests done?


bulletWhy would my doctor not start me on treatment?
bulletWho can be treated for hepatitis C?
bulletWhat treatments are available?
bulletWhat is the difference between "relapse" and "nonresponse?"
bulletHow often is treatment successful?
bulletCan I take interferon and ribavirin a second time, if my first course of treatment didn't work?
bulletAre any new drugs for treatment of hepatitis C being developed?

Treatment Side Effects

bulletWhat are the side effects of treatment?
bulletEver since I started treatment for hepatitis C, I have had a terrible cough. What can I do about it?
bulletCan treatment kill you?
bulletHow many people on interferon quit treatment early?
bulletDo interferon and ribavirin cause depression?
bulletCan interferon and ribavirin cause weight changes?
bulletIf I have hepatitis C infection, does this mean I am going to get diabetes?

Daily Living


bulletWhat foods should I avoid?
bulletWhat if I don't feel like eating?

Alternative Therapies

bulletAre there supplements that are good for my liver?
bulletAre there supplements that are bad for my liver?
bulletWhat about herbal remedies?

Use of Other Drugs and Alcohol

bulletCan I drink alcohol once in a while if I have hepatitis C?
bulletIs it safe to take aspirin or Tylenol if I have hepatitis C?


bulletHow do I tell someone I have hepatitis C?
bulletWhere can my family and I get support?
bulletHow can I make a difference for people with hepatitis C?


bulletWhat is cirrhosis?
bulletHow do I know if I have cirrhosis if I feel well?
bulletDon't you have to be a drinker to get cirrhosis?


bulletWill HCV infection go away after transplant?
bulletHow do I know if I need a transplant?
bulletWhat is the survival rate after liver transplantation?

VA Information

bulletWhere can I get information about benefits?
bulletIs research actively being done with hepatitis C?