Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 16 - U.S. Pipeline Ton-Miles: 1990 - 2003


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Year Pipeline total Liquid pipelines (oil & oil products) Natural gas pipelines Total Pipeline's share of total ton-miles (percent)
1980 866 588 278 3,353 25.8
1990 822 584 238 3,584 22.9
2000 874 577 297 4,285 20.4
2001 859 576 283 4,317 19.9
2002 879 586 293 4,366 20.1
2003 868 590 278 4,357 19.9

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Journal of Transportation and Statistics, Volume 8 Number 1, 2005, Scott M. Dennis, "Improved Estimates of Ton-Miles," pp 23-44.