United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National HIV/AIDS Program
Providers' Home > Clinical Manual > Health MaintenanceEnlarge Text Size:Small Font SizeMedium Font SizeLarge Font Size

Clinical Manual

The following chapters offer practical advice for working with patients, including teaching tips. All chapters are slated for completion in 2006; as they become available, their links will be activated.

Section 2: Health Maintenance and Disease Prevention

Health Maintenance

Immunizations for HIV-Infected Adults and Adolescents
Nonoccupational Postexposure Prophylaxis
Occupational Postexposure Prophylaxis
Preventing HIV Transmission / Prevention with Positives

Disease Prevention

Preventing Exposure to Opportunistic and Other Infections
Opportunistic Infection Prophylaxis
Latent Tuberculosis
Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis in Resource-Limited Settings